What an absolutely amazing day on a downtown corner today. Unbelievably unseasonal weather (always have to give the weather), tons of people on both sides of the tables and just a great day. Started the day off with a great service at our church. Ended the afternoon with a great service to the Lord. World rockin’ stuff. It seems so simple too. We sort some clothing into various containers, maybe gather some hygiene items, throw a great meal together, load it all up and head to a corner in downtown
Had lots of great help today.
One thing I’d share from today is a story I heard from a young couple. We’ve known this young fellow for a few years now. He and his young wife lost a baby last week. I have no idea what that must feel like. Can’t even imagine. And I had no real words of wisdom. I’m just not that smart. Those are always tough situations for me. Because, mostly words are pretty useless in those times. Learned that a long time ago. Sometimes we just need to listen. And now they are faced with the reality of dealing with a baby that was born prematurely at 23 weeks and watching it die before their eyes. Now they must deal with what comes next. Funeral arrangements, grieving, dealing with the emotional baggage that surely comes with these types of things. He was almost speechless when we first began talking about it. As the conversation progressed, he opened up more. But I cannot imagine what he must be feeling. And if I understood them correctly, the doctor had a chance to call the NICU and have them intercede. But he chose not to. Was it because they had no insurance? No means to pay the bill, so to speak? Who knows? I pray that was not the case. I sincerely hope that nothing could have been done. And I felt that all I could offer was that maybe this was a time for this young fellow to seek God and seek His wisdom in this terribly painful time. I just can’t imagine…
Time to get ready for next month. I pray that God will continue to rock my world. Rock our world. It’s so amazing to show up there and see the faces of our friends. I don’t always remember everyone’s name. I try, but it’s hard. I think there were probably 150 people or so today. It’s difficult to keep track of everyone and all the issues that they are all facing. But it’s not hard to go. That’s the easy part. And every time I go, my world is rocked a little more. I pray that He’ll continue to use us. And that we never lose sight of the fact, and it is a fact, that we serve and amazing and awesome God. Till next month…and in the meantime, rock a little.
Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth. 3 John 1:5-8 (New International Version)
Make a difference…it matters.
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