Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where The Action Is…

Today was so amazing, I almost have to wonder when the bad stuff is going to hit! You know, the crazy, freeze your snot right inside your nostril stuff. The stuff that makes you ache so bad for warmth that you might be willing to do all sorts of bizarre stuff just to get a little heat. But today? Not so much. If there ever was a chamber of commerce day, this was it. Beautiful blue skies. Barely a hint of a breeze. Good spirits all around. And the presence of our God on our corner. It was one of the best days I’ve seen down there and there were a number of reasons. First of all, there was a group from Southridge that came and rocked the place today. God was working in so many ways. It was amazing. I so wish I could crawl up in one of the taller buildings sometime and just watch the activity. Watch God work through the various folks that come to help out. And to watch Him work through the hearts of the people coming to hang out with us on those Sundays that we show up. It’s so easy to take for granted what He does on that corner. Sometimes it gets so busy, it’s hard to make time for the one on one conversations. Hard to just sit and listen on the occasion that someone just needs an ear. And frankly, all the food and clothing and stuff are great and needed. But the ear or shoulder are even more important. There are so many broken hearts. Broken minds. Broken souls. It’s such a great opportunity to show up and just hang out and if the moment arises where someone needs to just talk for a bit, well it’s nice to be there to listen.

Like I said, a great group came again today from Southridge. It is so cool to see these guys embrace this thing. It’s such a great place for people to go to get out and serve an Awesome God. He alone deserves our best. And today, I pray He got it. At least the best that we could pull it off. He set the table, so to speak. Laid it all out for us. All we had to do was show up. And our friends from Southridge showed up today. Rocked it. We’ve been going to Southridge as a family for about 7 or 8 months now. Anyone who knows what it is like to go to a new church knows that it takes time to form and cultivate relationships in that setting. Takes time to get plugged in. Just like in most things in life. It just takes time and patience. And then all of a sudden you begin to see the fruits of the relationship. It’s just so cool to see God at work in all we do. Part of the message this morning at church centered around the idea that you cannot be a champion while living in a cave. That is so true and so stinking relevant to some of my crazy ideas these days. It was all about Elijah and his basic spiritual collapse and his subsequent recovery. And the words God spoke to Elijah – “What are you doing in here Elijah?" In a cave. Come on man!! Get out there! I’ve got work for you. And I see so much of that in God’s basic desire to see us get out and do something. Anything that brings glory and honor to Him.

I was doing a little reading this morning. It just blows me away sometimes how God just lays something out for me that makes so much sense. Funny that. This morning I was reading Colossians, chapter 3. It was so fitting that He’d lay this out there for me this morning. Part of it was this:

So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective. ~ Colossians 3:1-2 (The Message)

Don’t shuffle along? Eyes to the ground? Really? Seriously. The thing for me is that there are so many chances for us to make a difference. A difference that might change someone’s life. And all because we listened to a whisper. A gentle nudge from God to go out and do something that would ultimately honor and glorify Him.

I watched my wife today at various times. She is so in her element on that corner. I think I’ve mentioned before how much her compassion scares me. I pray that she doesn’t pray for compassion. Thankfully, God knows she has it in spades. It’s not uncommon for us to hook up with certain individuals on that corner. And by that I mean, as humans we are naturally drawn to certain people. Just like in any other walk of life. In our workplaces. In our churches. We just do it without thinking most times. I do it all the time. I was talking to Robin about that very thing today on our way downtown. Certain people are just easier for me to talk to or visit with. It’s not always a conscious thing. It just kind of happens. And I wonder how God feels sometimes. When I say that I secretly hope a certain person might not show up on a given day because it makes things difficult. How would I feel if God treated me that way? I know how ridiculous that is, but what if He did? Really makes me reconsider how I treat people. Doesn’t mean I always adhere to it, but it certainly gives me reason to strive to do just that.

So I watched Robin today and in particular, I watched her visit with a certain gentleman. This is a fellow we’ve known for about 4 years now. Lives under a bridge in downtown Omaha. Very soft spoken, very deep voiced fellow that has certainly been dealt a few rough circumstances in his life. Abuse as a child. Not sure on the substance abuse side of things, but we know that is obviously an issue also. The thing is he’s pretty much been an agnostic all his life. Or at least that’s the impression he’s always given us. 4 years ago he met some crazy Christians, as I’m sure he’s apt to call us. I don’t for one minute think that any single thing we’ve done has made a huge impression on him one way or another. That might be the case. I don’t know. And I’m pretty sure that’s not why we do what we do. We do it because He loves us. Every singe one of us. And this fellow needs to know that. And if every single thing we’ve done over the years is simply to influence that in his mind somehow, then so be it. And I watched Robin convey that to him today. In several different conversations. On the back side of the big Gene Leahy mall sign. On the steps that serve as the entrance to the park. And I’d bet that in each case, God was working. Telling her not to shuffle along and not to hide in a stinking proverbial cave. But to be bold and to share with this fellow that God so loves him. So much. And that he doesn’t have to do this alone. Under a bridge in downtown Omaha.

So I’m done rambling. I just know that today was indeed an amazing day. And I pray that our friend somehow realizes that God does indeed love him. Hugely. More than any of us will ever know. Assuredly, more than we deserve. A huge thanks to all who showed up today. We are so thankful that God has moved in ways that have impacted each of us to do what we do. And that is to serve an amazing God who simply loves us. And to serve him, not while shuffling along with our eyes to the ground, but while looking up, alert and aware of what is going on around Christ. Where the action is. Amazing.

Make a difference…it matters.

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