Sunday, July 25, 2010

Giving our best…

So today was our second time back downtown since last August. We took a little break for nearly a year. Right or wrong, we felt it was time for a break. So today we were going downtown for our monthly visit with some friends. A meal, some clothing, a few hygiene items. But mostly, just hanging out and visiting. As happens so often for me these days, I received a timely email this morning. You see, we have friends who live in Charlotte, but are in currently in Ethiopia, and yet others who are preparing to go to Ethiopia. They all belong to a church we once called home when we lived in Charlotte. These guys, right now, have what seems like 50 people in this remote, crazy part of the world for some reason or another. Adoptions, sports camps, you name it, they’re there. I’m on a daily email list for a group that is preparing to go. This morning, just as we are prepping to go downtown, I get my daily email. I’m going to steal quite a bit of it, for one because that’s what I do, but also because even though it is directed at a group getting ready to travel halfway around the world, it also pertains to what happens for us downtown these days. And all those other times we went.

From Matthew, John and Francis Chan via my buddy TM in Charlotte –
"Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me." Then the righteous ones will reply, "Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?" And the King will tell them, "I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me." - Matthew 25:34b-40 (NLT)
Jesus is saying that we show tangible love for God in how we care for the poor and those who are suffering. He expects us to treat the poor and the desperate as if they were Christ himself. Ask yourself this: If you actually saw Jesus starving, what would you do for Him?
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us.” - I John 3:16-20
God didn't give just a little for us; He gave His best. He gave Himself. John is saying that it is no different for us: True love requires sacrifice. And our love is shown by how we live our lives: "Let us not live with words or tongue but with actions and truth." - Crazy Love, Francis Chan, pg 119

I’ve read, studied and used those verses so many times, along with many from my personal favorite, the Book of James. The thing about them is they are so relevant to what we do on these Sundays when we venture out to hang out with our friends. And for whatever reason, things were going against us this week. We do this once a month. So we should have plenty of prep time, right? So this week, our van decides it needs a little transmission servicing. My garage floor agrees. Time for that slow drip to be fixed once and for all. So we are without a vehicle to haul our trailer down this week. I’d been sick for a bout a week with a goofy summer cold, so my desire to go into the sauna masquerading as our garage was a bit underwhelming. We’ve been getting tons of clothing donations and there was stuff to sort to get ready. And Friday when I finally decide I have to get this thing done, the heat index seems like it is about 115°. Sweating buckets doesn’t begin to describe it at all. We also got some bad news about one of our homeless friends the other night. It just seemed like there were forces at work that did not want us down there. Just a fact that when we do these things in the Name of the One Who sends us, there are going to be forces in play to attempt to distract and divert us from the work that has to be done here. And honestly, this thing doesn’t seem like work. Oh sure, there’s a good bit of wok that goes in on the front end, but when we get down there, it just seems to happen. God just absolutely takes care of the details. He doesn’t necessarily help us remember to bring everything and we sometimes forget an item or two, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter much.

I’m kind of rambling today, as I’m apt to do, but the thing is, I sincerely hope we never get distracted from the mission, in spite of all the opposition that could easily deter us. We know that when we show up, He’ll be there ahead of us…always is. Without fail. The good thing is we’ve experienced it enough over the years. We know that when we step out in faith, he’ll prepare the way for us. Without fail. The opposition will attempt, at every turn, to distract us with worldly junk, which is what I personally experienced this past week. Fortunately, I know that He’ll not allow that to stop us from venturing out.

So today was a good day downtown. I was able to visit with a fellow who’s been very angry about lots of things in his past. He was able to recently revisit a few chapters from his past and find closure. We talked about that today. It was so cool to hear him talk about the Grace he’s been afforded. And to somehow help reassure him of that Grace. Of Grace revisited. It was good. We had so much great help today. And so many great friends on the receiving end of that help. I heard of a conversation Christian had with an old friend. They spoke of how much Christian has grown over the past year. He hadn’t seen Christian in over a year. So the obvious physical growth surprised him, but I believe he was more taken by something Christian said to him. That this gentleman possessed great wisdom. And the thing is, he does.

And it’s so extremely cool to see Southridge Church jump in and embrace this thing. We are blessed to have recently discovered this place and we are excited about the future. We’ve seen things over the past 3 or 4 years on that corner that have to be shared with the local church. Things that so many in the local church are so greatly missing out on. It’s so cool to see this particular church, of which we are now becoming fully immersed in, to also seize this opportunity to serve outside the proverbial walls. Can’t wait to see what’s in store. We have a few weeks before we go again. I’m sure we’ll face life stuff between now and then, but the beauty is we’ll go anyway. The Lord willing of course. And when we go, it’ll be because He goes before us and leads the way. He’s given us His best. The least we can do is give ours.

Make a difference…it matters.

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