Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just like we’d never been gone…

So last year, we made the decision to take a break from our weekly downtown activities. Those being, hanging out in the park downtown and having a weekly lunch with some of our friends. We’d been doing it for almost 3 years and truth be told, we were just a little burned out. Not to mention a bit strained financially. But that’s for another day. So as the weeks wore on last year, and winter was bearing down on us, we still thought about our friends often. In fact, during the winter months, we’d throw coats, boots, gloves and whatever else in the van and head down to see if we could find anyone in need. I remember coming home one day and telling Robin we needed to be doing something in that community again. The look on her face told me I was crazy. :) I mean, we’d been doing a Monday night meal at inCommon Community Development for quite some time, but I really just felt we were supposed to be in the downtown community again. As we kicked around the hows and whys, we felt that we could at least do something once a month. Right? That wouldn’t be too difficult, would it? I mean after doing it weekly for that long, a once a month commitment would be doable, right? Well, in the meantime, we began attending a church in the Bellevue/Papillion area. Southridge Church seemed to be a place where we could hang our hat. One evening we met with the pastor and his wife. We presented the idea of a once a month meal in the downtown community. Would this be something the church would be interested in supporting? The end result of that meeting? A new beginning to an old friend. Or a bunch of old friends.

Today was the first time we’d been downtown to meet and hang out with our friends for almost a year. Seemed like it was just yesterday we were saying goodbye. And honestly, not much had changed. A lot of the same people were there to welcome us back. And it was a good thing. What a great day. The weather was great. Pretty much overcast all around except for one big blue hole in the sky. Nice breeze under the cover of the trees. Of course, He knew we were coming. The Summer Arts Festival was happening, so we had to improvise a bit. Met on a different corner than normal, but that was a minor thing. I just can’t say it enough. It was like we’d never been gone. Everyone was in great spirits.

It was great to be able to get on the wall again, say a few quick words, say the Lord’s Prayer in community, be blessed to say a blessing over the meal and see everyone dig in. They were so appreciative. We’ve been involved in various community endeavors, but something about this group on this corner is just different. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is just a little different. I mean, there were always times that I’d get a little irritated at various people during our previous time there, but I always just wrote that off to being human. I mean, there are just times that we won’t get along with everyone, right? But for the most part, people were just happy to be hanging out, enjoying a good meal, and having a good time. All in the name of the One who sent us. And they get that. I really believe they get it. Doesn’t mean they all agree, but there’s no doubt in my mind they get it.

Today we saw some of the usual things that we were so accustomed to seeing before. Certain people needing specific things. That got me into a bit of trouble last time, so this time we’ve kind of come to the conclusion that we take what we have and if we don’t have it, we don’t have it. Not that we can’t help in other ways, but somehow I have to be more careful to know the boundaries this time while still helping however we can. Don’t know how that’s going to work, but maybe I don’t have to know.

It’s funny because this morning, as I do every morning, I was reading through one of my morning devotionals. I get several devotional emails every morning and one in particular was very interesting this morning. Funny how He works. This particular devotional contains a portion of scripture, a reflection on that scripture and a prayer. This morning’s reading was Joshua 23:1-16. In this scripture, Joshua had successfully led the tribes into Israel, divided up the land and created order for the people. It was time for him to say goodbye, and he urged the people to remain faithful to the LORD. Now the funny thing about How God works was in the prayer portion. It read as follows:
Lord of faithfulness, just as you kept your promise to the Israelites to bring them into a good land, so you keep your promises to sustain your people today. Empower me to do your will in reaching out to those in need of food, shelter, and clothing. Amen...
Seriously? That comes on the morning that we are heading back downtown for the first time in almost a year? With some of the folks that used to help and a new group from Southridge Church? Seriously? How in the world can God be in the details like that? Of a guy like me who’s failed Him so immensely so many times? How in the name of all that’s holy would He present that to me? Has to be Grace. I was talking to a guy we’ve known for a few years now and this guy was one angry dude for a long time. Abused as a kid. Mistreated at a lot of turns in life, at least in his words. But today he mentioned Grace. Said God has been working on him about Grace. And I got it. So did he. Neither one of us deserved it. But both of us definitely got it. And he seemed a bit more at ease today. Maybe it was the atmosphere of all of us meeting again. Or maybe it was Grace. All I know is God showed it me this morning as he is so apt to do most days. As my friend said, He gives us a new supply of Grace everyday. No more than we need. No less. I like it. I’m no scholar, in fact far from it, but I get that.

And of course I saw my buddy Bill today. As I was packing up, he came around and asked if I had fun today. I told him absolutely. He said that’s where we see things a bit differently. In his eyes, most of the people we meet with down there are no good and we shouldn’t waste our time with them. That’s where we disagreed. I simply let him know that none of us deserve anything, but then there’s that Grace thing again. And another thing – we‘re supposed to serve to the best of our abilities and then some. Supposed to be the Hands and Feet. Right? Then how can we not do this? Like I said, I don’t know if this once a month thing will work or not. But then again, I don’t have to know everything. Usually when I think I “know” something, I screw it up. Why not just let this thing play out and see where it goes. I mean I already had Nick asking on the way home today when we were going to start going every week again. This after our first time back! And this from the kid who was willing to give up his bag of cheerios 4 years ago as we sat in the van on the very corner where we met today. In the very spot 4 years ago where we sat trying to determine what we were going to do and how this was all going to work. Look, we’ve made many mistakes along the way. I made some huge ones. But the Grace of God will sustain us. We’ll get it all figured out someday. In the meantime, we’ll meet monthly for now and have a great meal with some great friends and do it all in the name of the One who’s in charge anyway.

So today it was like we’d never been gone. And it was good. Can’t wait till next month. And I pray that all the folks that experienced this thing today came away with a great understanding of how cool it is to serve an awesome Creator in a hands and feet sort of way. I know I did. Just like always.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. – Philippians 2:3-4

Make a difference…it matters.

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