Sunday, March 1, 2009

40 Names

I attended a memorial service this past week for some friends. It was a memorial service recognizing those who died homeless in 2008. Celebrating their lives. They all left us this past year for various reasons and by various means. Some died as a direct result of their addictions. Others for other reasons. I don’t even pretend to know why or how or anything else. I just know that for some reason, they all left us. 40 people. Some we knew. Others, not so much. Some we knew well. Again, others, not so.

The service itself was held this year in an old Catholic church in north Omaha. Holy Family Catholic Church. The service was conducted by a Methodist pastor. So it was really an interfaith offering. One of the interesting things I noticed was that unlike most Catholic churches I’ve been in, this one did not have a crucifix with Christ hanging behind the altar. It’s an older church in a poorer section of town. In fact, it’s only a block or so south and west of the Sienna Francis House Shelter. So no crucifix. I don’t believe I’ve ever been in a Catholic church that didn’t have one. There was a simple statue of Christ in the back area of the altar with welcoming hands. It was very cool.

So when I walked in, there was a fellow playing a cedar wind flute. He seemed to be playing some kind of American Indian type songs on the flute. Really set the mood and ambiance in the old church. Just an observation. On the altar, there was a list of names. 40 of them. 40 people who died homeless. Maybe even needlessly? In one of, if not the richest country in the world. What does that say about our state of affairs? How people can be homeless in this country is beyond me, but how they die homeless is another story altogether. I mean, can’t we at least give them a bit of dignity before they go on?

As the pastor led the service, I looked around for family members. And honestly, of the 30 or so people in the church, I believe more were service oriented people as opposed to family members. I know some were there to grieve the loss of loved ones, but more were folks who dedicate their time to serving the less fortunate. And I wondered what it would look like if the place was filled with hundreds of people? Hundreds who had the Godly desire to help and love the less fortunate. What would that have looked like? It too would have been very cool.

At one point during the service, the names were read aloud by those in attendance. In a bit of a popcorn-ish manner, the names were simply read aloud. And with each name, I wondered what more could have been done. Especially he names of those friends that we knew from our activities. What more could we have done. And I especially thought of a friend who is still with us but seems hell bent on destroying his life. I even envisioned his name on the list of names. And thought how painful that would be to see his name there. I love this guy and can’t seem to figure out how to help in a more tangible way. And maybe I can’t. But man, I sure wish I could…

Towards the end of the service, a young lady stood at the front of the church with a picture of her father. He couldn’t have been more than 30. Now this guy died from cancer. And his name wasn’t on the list of names. So I’m not even sure of his circumstances. But the pain that radiated from her as she held his 8x10 picture in front of her was so very real. She mentioned he was her hero. And she was so young. A teenager. It was so painful to see.

And then the haunting echoes of Amazing Grace on the cedar wind flute...that’s how it ended. So extremely sobering. And I kept wondering how we could do more to help some of these guys at least not have to be a name on the list. At least have a proper burial and an obituary like "normal" people. How can we do more? I’m sure that will be revealed when the time is right…

Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. ~ Luke 6:38, NLT

Peace, have a great and blessed week and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pray that the list for next year is "0" names. Thanks for taking the time to go. Is this done every year around the same time?

I have been thinking about this all week.