Sunday, March 29, 2009

For probably the first time in 2 ½ years I have no idea where to begin. I mean, a million things happened today. I talked to one guy who is convinced that when his "work" is done here, probably in the next four years or so, the new world will begin. I talked to the messiah. Again. Several times. I think one time he was telling me how he "made" fruit and vegetables. We left the downtown area with so much stuff in the trailer I literally had to stand and hold it all in while someone else closed the door so everything wouldn’t come crashing down like it does in the bad sitcoms when someone is trying to close the junk closet door. We spent three hours on that corner today and could have stayed longer. Easily. The weather cooperated. In a huge way. It was sunny, barely a breeze and just a picture perfect day in this transition from winter to spring. And I had the trailer packed and ready to go in record time this morning. I don’t know why it was so easy, but what usually takes me until 9:30 or 10:00 was completed by 8:30 at the latest. It was just an easy morning for some reason. And the time we spent on the corner was pretty smooth today. Especially considering the spike we experineced in the number of meals we served. And we were doing some fishes and loaves stuff today. As Robin was getting her part of the meal ready this morning, there was a slight bit of worry that we wouldn’t have enough today. But the great thing about that is that God has never and will never let us down in that area. Not once since November of 2006 have we run out of food before everyone has had a chance to get a meal. Not once. That is so crazy to me. Now if a guy shows up at 2:00? Well, that’s a different story. But today our line stretched as far down the block as I’ve seen in some time. So I know I’m rambling here but I just don’t know where to begin. There was so much going on down there today, it’s hard to get a grasp on all that happened.

I guess I’ll start with the Easter bags. I know it’s a little early for Easter, but we kind of went there today anyway. A young lady, one who has done some pretty tremendous things for this ministry recently, organized an Easter bag project for our friends. It wasn’t so much what was in the bags, because that was cool enough on its own. It’s the fact that this was organized in a town 4 hours from Omaha. This young lady, with some help from her family and fellow community members, has taken it upon herself to do some pretty amazing things for some people she barely knows. Imagine what we could all learn from this type of wonderful selflessness. Her uncle was a friend of ours. I’ve written about him too many times to count. He left us last summer. But his legacy lives on. That these folks from a small farm community of 600 people in western Nebraska would venture down I-80 and show up in Omaha to do the things they’ve done speaks volumes. To bring bags and bags of clothing and various supplies, so much that I can barely close the door on the trailer was an amazing thing to see. What an amazing family. And all to honor a family member and in doing so, honoring God and giving Him the glory He so richly deserves.

Honestly, it was a pretty typical day. Whatever that looks like when that community sprouts up on that corner for a few hours each Sunday. One thing that I’m completely blown away by lately is the people coming to help. It just seems that the number of people wanting to help grows all the time. We had so many people helping today. And we usually get good help. Today was no exception. One fellow and his son showed up today. We get folks who need hours to complete community service obligations. This was one of those cases. And this guy and his son were all about helping. We get lots of situations where these guys come to help because they have to. It’s mandated by the courts. And lots of them say they are going to come back, even when their obligation is complete, only to never be seen again. That may be the case with this fellow and his son, but at least they were able to come and be a part of what God is doing on that corner. You just never know what seed is being planted. Never know.

As we were wrapping things up, I saw a fellow walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. As we made eye contact, I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite place the face. And then it dawned on me. I recognized this guy. He showed up on that corner late last summer. Needed help getting into a treatment program. A little something to help get into the program and a bus ticket to get there. So a couple who have been so very helpful in so many ways offered to help this guy get there and get going in his treatment program. Over the past several months, I’ve often wondered how this guy was managing. Did he make it through his program? And if so, how was he managing the whole life thing now with a different outlook? Did he make it? Is he still making it? Any relapses? You know, all the usual questions. Well, as of today, he has 7 months of sobriety and he was there today with his wife and two beautiful little girls. What a blessing to see him. And what a blessing to see him there, spending quality time with his family on a beautiful day in downtown Omaha. And a contributing factor to his being there today was the result of a selfless act by a family who simply saw a need and decided to help. And because God offers us that chance. So often. We see the guy on the side of the road. Holding the sign. Or the guy in the park. "Sleeping" on a bench. Or on the sidewalk. Or making a public nuisance of himself. We don’t have to start a website called, but that is a darn good idea. I wish I would have thought of it. But we can take an interest in helping those that have fallen. Because when it comes down to it, we’ve all fallen at one time or another. And wasn’t it nice to have someone there to help us pick up the pieces?

So it was great to see our friend back today. I pray that his journey is a long and successful one. One that leads him to much prosperity in the name of Christ. One that he always looks back on and remembers that God blessed him with a second chance and a helping hand from a couple he didn’t even know. And that he didn’t know them is really not that important. What matters is that he was down and God placed them in his path. On a downtown street corner in Omaha, Nebraska. And then on to treatment center in Des Moines, Iowa. And now? The journey continues. For him and us. I can only imagine where it will take us next. I have so many ideas in my feeble brain. I don’t even know where to begin.

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! ~Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV

Peace, have a great and blessed week and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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