Sunday, November 30, 2008

A November Snow and an Amazing Day!

Woke up this morning to the first snow of the year. Now for me, that means getting my head around the change that is most definitely upon us. The need for all the winter gear, the need for a good, hot meal, all the things that a person needs at this time of year that might not be readily available otherwise. Now I’m not saying that we have all the things a guy needs and that it is readily available, but God usually provides. In some of the most amazing ways. What he provided this morning was a gentle reminder that we are in Nebraska and that even though it’s still November, winter is here. Like it or not. This will be our third winter downtown, and it kind of sneaks up on me every time. It’s not like I don’t know it’s coming, but maybe I just push it to the back of my mind. You know, out of sight, out of mind? And then the reality of it all hits. In a white blanket that covers everything outside. And the inevitable questions arise. Will we be able to get the trailer up our hill? Will we have enough coats for everyone? Will we have enough hot food for everyone? Will we…? And those are all questions from Robin! Just kidding Robbo. :) Because I don’t worry about any of those things. Don’t have to. We have the ultimate planning agent in charge of everything. And it ain’t us. And that’s a good thing, because left t my own devices, the trailer would end up in a ditch, the coats would all be extra-small, and the food would be iced soup. So even though I saw an unexpected snowfall this morning and it was very pretty (from the inside of our nice, warm house), I know that we needn’t worry about the small stuff. He’s got us covered. One thing it did reinforce for me is that we have friends "living" outside. In the elements. In that pretty blanket of snow. Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up to a fresh blanket of snow? On your sleeping bag?

Robin and I attended a memorial service this week. I absolutely do not like attending these things under any circumstances. One thing I never dreamed would happen, simply because I apparently had no vision of these things, was that one day we’d be attending memorial services for fellows we’d met in the park. Never imagined, when we started visiting with our friends, that we’d be in those situations. I just thought we’d show up, have a little lunch, provide whatever material things that God might bless us with and then head our separate ways. But a funny thing happened on our way downtown. We became somewhat intertwined with these folks. I see our friends all the time during my workdays. I might run into someone in Starbucks attempting to warm up. Might happen upon someone just anywhere at anytime. But we know ‘em now. And when tragedy strikes or the inevitable happens, we attend whatever services occur. So earlier this past week, we attended Alan’s memorial service. Alan was a very hard alcoholic but a very gentle man. That’s the only way I can describe him. He was just a mess. But deep inside that apparent exterior lurked a warm, caring soul. A fellow with a degree in architecture. And various other life skills. So what happened to Alan along the way? What happened to this guy that would cause him to literally drink his life away? Just more questions with no obvious answers. It was so weird for me to listen to this priest speak of Alan’s life. We knew him for a couple of years. There were 45 other years before we met him where he was someone’s brother, son, father, etc. He left a young son behind. And a family. We met them at the service. Maybe just God’s way of telling us that all of our friends belong to someone. I don’t know. Just random thoughts around this crazy nonsensical passing of a good friend. Rest in peace Alan. We will indeed miss you buddy.

So today was a great day downtown. Cold, windy, a little raw, but it is the last day of November and it is Nebraska. I guess it’s expected. Something really cool happened down there today. As much as I’d like to share details, it really doesn’t matter in the big picture. A need was presented. A huge need. And in all of God’s unbelievable wisdom, he was already working on the solution. He hasn’t revealed the entire solution to us yet, or at least I don’t think He has. Or maybe He has. But He has surely started. In a big, big way. I drove home today in stunned disbelief. And yet it was so easy to believe. But things like this just don’t happen. As least not in my lifetime. At least not to this doubting individual. I mean, I believe. With all my heart. But the human side of me always wants to throw a little doubt into every situation. I know that God is in complete control. And I know I say often that I simply have to stay out of the way and let God drive. And things happen like the simple transaction that took place today and my face is blown away once again. I cannot even put into words how this thing has strengthened my faith and resolve. You know the old thing about wanting God to hit us upside the head with a 2 by 4 to show us whatever? Well he does it sometimes very subtly, but very directly. And he did it today. Like I said, the details are extremely cool. But I’m not sure I could even share them. Suffice it to say that God is simply amazing and I am in total awe of His sovereignty, His Grace, His Mercy and of course His Love. I can’t wait to see how this one unfolds. Unbelievable, and yet so believable. So God. And all we had to do was show up today and watch God work. Man does He do amazing things. And I always wonder why He chooses a dirty, cold street corner in downtown Omaha to do these things. Obviously, He does these things all over the place, but we are able to witness them first hand on a rather continual basis. Wow…

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

Make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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