Sunday, November 9, 2008

Two Years? Are you kidding me?!!

Two years ago today, my beautiful wife, my crazy kids and myself embarked on a journey that was somewhat foreign to us all. I say that because we obviously had no idea what it was we were getting into. We knew nothing about homelessness. We still know very little about homelessness. But what I’ve come to realize over the course of two years is that this thing is not about homelessness. It’s so much more than that. I’ve told the story, probably hundreds of times, about us showing up that first Sunday with a pot of soup, a case of water and a desire to serve. Just had no idea where we were going or what we were getting into. Today? This day marked two years for us. It’s amazing to me that God would allow us to be a small part of this thing. But to give us sustenance for two years? We serve an amazing and faithful God. That much I know. Oh, I’ve learned more about homelessness than I than I could ever have imagined. I stayed in a shelter one night last year to get an idea of what it might be like. It was far beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I’ve learned that some of our friends live in tents down by the river. TENTS down by the river. In Nebraska. Year round. I’ve learned that winters mean we better have lots of coats. Lots of coats. And gloves. And socks. And stuff. I’ve learned that lots of our friends completely understand why we come. We come because God tells us to go. I’ve learned that people are people no matter the circumstance. That we are all pretty much the same, despite the fact that we sometimes look down on our friends and neighbors. I’ve learned that regardless of the environment, some some of us just don't get along on occasion. Doesn’t matter if it’s a work environment, school, neighborhood, family or just hanging out with our homeless or near homeless friends on a downtown street corner. People are just people. I have learned an immense amount of things over the course of two years. I’ve still got a boatload to learn. And I’ll keep on trying. But one thing I have learned for sure is that God is driving this thing and I am so unbelievably blessed beyond anything I deserve to be along for the ride.

So you know what we did today? We took a big old family picture. That’s right. After everyone had enough to eat, we all gathered on the steps of the Gene Leahy Mall and took a picture. The thought came to me this morning that we should do it. We did. I wanted every single individual on that corner to be in the picture. Lot’s of folks declined for various reasons. But lots of folks were more than willing to be a part. That was pretty cool. And it just reminded me that we’ve become a part of these people’s lives in some small way. That they accept us. And that is cool. Because they are us and we are them. Not to get all deep and philosophical here, but we are just no different. I’ve mentioned that before so many times, but it is so true. Two years ago? Maybe I thought differently. Now? Not so much. Two years ago I probably thought we were helping them. Now? It’s probably more the other way around.

In two years we seen friends come and go. I mentioned last week that Wade’s family came to help. What an amazing day. And today? A youth group from the Friendship Center drove in from Beaver City, Nebraska to help. You know how far Beaver City is from Omaha? 4 hours. And yet they came to help. They heard about this thing because of Wade’s death. So today they came. And entertained with a skit that showed us all how Christ takes our burdens and carries them for us. I stood next to Sammy as I watched the skit. Sammy was a former Golden Gloves boxing champion in our fine state. Today? He’s in various states of homelessness. And he lost his mother recently. Taking it hard, as can be expected. Great guy and just one example of the great people we’ve had the opportunity to come to know. It’s just been an amazing experience to be able to go down week in and week out and see the way God works through us all in this thing. He is an amazing God and it absolutely blows me away that He uses a dirty street corner in downtown Omaha to reach those of us that need Him most. And believe me, I need Him more than most. So maybe people see us coming and think that we are pastors or whatever. Little do they know I’m simply a busted, broken individual who is simply looking for some answers. And I do believe that is exactly how God wants us to come to Him. Broken. Busted. And in need. I was talking to a guy that mentioned to me how God had abandoned him. I had to tell him emphatically that God will never turn His back on us. Never. WE are the ones who do that. And yet, every single time we turn back, guess Who is waiting with open arms? I sometimes wonder why God would use us, especially me, in this ministry. Because my life has hardly been a testament to my faith. That’s for sure. I guess it simply lends credence to the fact that, as Robin is quick to say, He will use us wherever we are. When we moved back from Charlotte a couple of years ago, I was sure that He had a plan for us. Apparently He did. And He is using us in such a way that allows us to honor and glorify Him each and every week.

I know some people probably think we are crazy. And we are. For lots of reasons. I mean we are heading into the meat of winter here in Nebraska. And this is an outdoor ministry. So therefore, by default, we must be crazy. But man is this a good crazy! I can’t imagine doing anything different. I can’t imagine that day that I finally stand before God only to hear Him say "what were you thinking man…you totally missed it!" Now I’m not for one minute saying that I get it. Because I don’t. Mostly anyway. But one thing I’ve learned, among lots of others, is that He is full on in control. Totally and completely. For two years now, He’s been the sole and complete reason for us doing what we do. And I can’t imagine doing it any differently. I remember last winter thinking it was absolutely never going to get warm again. Global warming? Try six months of Nebraska winter and then tell me you think the earth is warming! Seriously, I thought it would never end. And here we are heading into another. And that’s ok. Not if you ask Robin, but it is what it is. It’s coming whether we are on board or not. Same thing with the work God is doing downtown. It’s happening. And we are on board. Fully.

So two years have come and gone. We’ve seen sadness with some of our friends leaving us way too early. We’ve seen friendships develop. Great friendships. And we’ve seen God work in great, great ways. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? All I know is I can’t wait to find out. God willing. And I pray that God will allow us to continue to go out and be the hands and feet of our Savior. In a real and tangible way. And that he will continue to bless us and those we serve in ways that are clearly of His doing. Two years? Whodathunkit?

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

Make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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