Monday, December 31, 2007

Thanks and Hope!

What a blessed year. We've been so blessed to find ourselves in so many great and not so great situations. The great? Mainly just being able to gather weekly on a corner in downtown Omaha with a bunch of our friends each week. Meeting folks who want to help. Meeting folks who need help. Praying for a trailer and having one delivered. The exact one I found in my perusings on the web. And some of the simpler things. Praying for a more efficient way to brew coffee. Might seem like a trivial deal, but when it gets cold here, a good cup of hot coffee goes a long way to warming not only the heart, but maybe the soul. We were blessed last week by the founder of the Scooters Coffee chain. Christian and I met with him last week and he gave us, no strings attached, a Bunn coffee brewing system. And set us up to get coffee donations on an as needed basis. Again, this may seem like a small deal, but when I tell our friends that we are trying to do our best for them, and where it comes from, the Lord Himself, I believe it means something. Because if nothing else, we want to offer dignity and respect. And Hope. I mentioned once before that I almost thanked our friends for being homeless and I know how ridiculous that sounds. But what I meant was I thank them for being in the situation they are in, yet still welcoming all of us into their community. I could be wrong but it certainly seems as though we've built a level of trust and understanding with them. There will always be a level of skepticism I'm sure, but by and large, we're in. Trusted. That's really all I hoped for from the beginning. That we could show a level of God's love from us to them that would be evident from the start. Seems to be working. And the not so great? Well, we've lost a few of our friends. Doug…Scott…30 or so to be exact. No words here. Just our prayers that they rest with our Lord and Savior. And obviously we've faced other challenges and not so great moments. And we probably, or should I say definitely didn't handle them all as gracefully as we should have. We are human. We will fail more often that not. But we'll keep on trying…

2007 was a great year for us. We have been blessed in so many ways. I can't begin to reflect on how many great things have happened in this ministry without mentioning my family first. Robin is obviously all in. She is the glue that holds this thing together. On a physical, spiritual and compassionate level, among other things. Now, obviously, God is the REAL glue, (not to mention the butter…HA!), but my wife is an amazing person when it comes to compassion. If someone were to ask me what one word best describes her, I would not fall into that trap, because there are too many. But compassion would be right at the top of the list for sure. She just has a Godly way of seeing the souls of people and it really keeps me balanced. My kids on the other hand have been blessed in this ministry far beyond what I could ever have imagined. Yesterday, after dong his weekly sock ministry, joyfully with headphones and singing loudly, Nick proclaimed his love for Sundays. Why Nick? Because we get to go downtown and see our friends. And Nick has some friends. Seems as though all of my kids feel that way. I have much to be thankful for to be sure. They get it. I am truly blessed beyond anything I deserve.

And I cannot forget the folks that give of their time, energy and resources. What an amazing group of people that God has blessed us with. And when I say us, I mean all of us on both sides of the equation. I cannot begin to name them one by one, because my feeble brain would surely forget an important cog in this process. Just know that if you have played any role in helping our friends in this ministry, God bless you. He knows. And that is all that really matters. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. There is much work to do for sure, in so many ways, but to all those that have helped in any way, shape or form…THANK YOU!! You also are the glue that holds this crazy thing together. I could go on and on here, and anyone who knows me knows that. :)

And most importantly, to our Lord and Savior, my God, my Father…Lord I thank You and praise You for your Grace and Mercy. Without You, I am nothing. A mess. But through your Grace, you've led a busted individual like myself to a crazy environment on a street corner in downtown Omaha to be a light to a group of people that amaze me constantly. I praise You and thank You for the opportunity to share Your love and Your Word with some folks who we've come to know in a year's time that have simply become family to us. I thank You for the willingness of those that help. I praise You for sending them. I stand back occasionally and marvel at what has happened on that corner. Lord, I know that not all of them get it. That some are just there for the "stuff". And some are there because it makes them feel good. But if we continue to bring the "stuff" in Your Name, maybe someday we'll all get it. That all You want from us is our heart. Our soul. And to do the work you've called us all to do, humbly in Your Name. What ever that may be. And to give you the Praise and Honor you so richly deserve. I praise You for making it all happen. Weekly. I am amazed at Your Greatness. I cannot wait to see what 2008 brings. 2007 was filled with challenges and victories Lord. I'm guessing more of that in '08? We're along for the ride. I pray that You'll continue to lead and guide us and straighten our path when we stray. Thanks You…Thank You…Thank You.

And finally this….from Paul's letter to the Romans – "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

All thanks to God, and to all who have helped in His ministry, because we have Hope. Thank you all and may God bless you richly in the New Year.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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