Sunday, December 16, 2007


Been a tough week, and a good week. Lots of great stuff happening. Robin sent out an email asking for help to sponsor a couple of families that we know. It's that time of year when some families need help or the little ones might be forgotten. The response was a little overwhelming. And I have to admit, when she first mentioned it to me I was a little skeptical. There are times when I think we might ask for a little too much. But it's not for us. I have to keep that in mind. None of this is for us. It's a blessing to us for sure. But none of it is ours. I ran into a lady today at the Sienna Francis house. We were dropping off some leftover bread and she had locked the keys in her car. Apparently she had a little time on her hands as she waited for a locksmith. As I was unloading the bread, she asked if I needed help? Sure. Asked me what church we were from. I explained our story to her. What it is we do. She nodded. Her words? Have to feed and clothe them first. I agree. Have to. If we don't' someone else will, but I guess God has a plan for us for now.

Doug was a friend of ours. He left us this week. We've known Doug for over a year now. Great guy. Alcoholic. Who knows what else? I really felt pained for Doug. I don't know the entire story of his death. I last saw him on our corner last Sunday. He got there late, but was in good spirits and apparently, minus the "spirits". He had a huge plate of food. We had a little extra last week, so they heaped him up pretty good. He was laughing and having a good time. He's been going with us to our weekly bible study at The Vine on Tuesdays. He wasn't around last Tuesday. We went to the shelter to see if anyone wanted to go, and Doug usually goes with us. Wasn't around Tuesday. So Thursday, I meet Bill. We are going to start meeting for lunch on Thursdays. As Bill and I are walking up the street on Thursday, he drops this bomb on me out of the blue. "Old Doug Etter died last night". ??? Huh? "Old" Doug Etter was about 42 or so. That's not old. And I just found out recently that Doug and I went to Omaha South High together. He was a couple of grades behind me, but we hung in some of the same circles. I vaguely remember him from that time I think, but it's pretty hazy. So when Bill told me that, I couldn't believe it. Doug was a great guy. Loved that guy. Saddened me greatly to hear of Doug's passing. He seemed to be making great strides. Trying to kick his addictions and demons. Doing the weekly bible study. Seemed to be coming around. Did he make it? I know he believed. But was that enough? Man…

And this happened just a couple of days after one of my favorite uncles, Uncle Cy, passed. He was 89. That might, just might be a little old. Another great guy. And this happened about the same time I got the following message from my friend Bob, who is braving the elements on the river in Des Moines…with his permission, it fits…funny how that goes sometimes.

I have been thinking on this lately. Dec 14 of this year [two days from now], Rick Roe will have been dead one year. I close my eyes and see the drunken smile he had as we both were chugging fifths of gin and headed for oblivion. How when he took the first drink, he would vomit it up. A waste I would laugh and say to him. He would laugh also- but keep the next drink down. How we would both " slam" drink when together , fearfull we wouldnt get our share. We drink fifths in two drinks each on many occassion and passed out. Him usually first and then I would "riffle" his pockets to see if he had any money left for another drink. Sometimes, I really didnt want to drink, but at 4 am he would kick my mat at the Francis House and say " come on, I got plenty of money". Or he would tell me he was barred or shut off from buying it at such and such and I would take his money and buy it.

I remember the last day of his life..................the breakfast we had togther, the drunk we talked about for later and then-----------I got drunk with Al that night and learned of Ricks death the next day.

Rick had asked me the morning of his death to speak at his memorial service and I said something flippant- but agreed to do so. I had know idea that 12 hours later--- he would pass. He used to talk about Rockne, Lombardi, Bryant and all the great football coaches and how they were "with the big coach in the sky". Well.................Rick is there with them I hope. No man actually knows the state of another mans soul or his relationship with his Creator.

May God have mercy on Rick Roe and all the souls of the faithful departed.

The amazing thing is ,,,,,, sometimes I see a guy stagger down the street and for just a moment, I think its Rick. Ya know, when I look deep into their eyes---------it is Rick.

God bless him and all of US like him.

Just rambling I guess..........close to tears now.

Enough said.When ya have church on the corner Sunday-- look for him. Say "hello" for me.

Later bob


I love Bob's messages. They always seem to come just in time and always carry a certain profoundness. An amazing guy, to be sure.
And an excerpt from a reply I got from Bob…again, with his permission

I wonder if the Shelters are a place of hope? If Christ were here, wouldnt he be on the corner of 17 and Nicholas at the Francis House talking to the whores, drug addicts, drunks and pimps. Wow, I bet he would be on the corner of 14 and Douglas too. You lucky guy..................

Gods speed and keep on keepin on!


So it's been a strange week and a great week all wrapped up in one. I see so many great people every Sunday on our corner. They are so appreciative of all that happens there. Helping unload, set up, load after we finish. Even had Keith shoveling snow so we could get going today. He even called last night. The caller id says "Sienna Francis House". Keith is reminding us to bring a shovel and a wrench for the propane stove we use to keep our stuff warm. You better believe I remembered. And he shoveled. Ask and you shall receive? Isn't that how it works. But what I've come to understand even more this week is the love that I feel for these guys. They are becoming more that just our homeless friends. Much more. And when one of them leaves us like Doug did this week…well, we all know how it feels to lose a family member and that is sort of what it felt like. Big time sadness…that's all.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :(

Doug...we'll miss you man. Peace brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed him today and so did many others. I think we all see ourselves in Doug. Such a short time on earth. Not knowing when our time here will end and struggling to make good with the time we have. Victories. Failures. In desperate need of a Savior. Hoping that our belief is enough because so many times our faith and our efforts seem insufficient.

God's timing is perfect. His wisdom is infinite. He is love.

Doesn't make me less sad but does give me peace that He is in control and He loves us more than we can imagine.