Monday, July 30, 2007

What an Amazing Mission!

November 12, 2006. I don't want to ever forget that date. Actually, October 29, 2006. That Sunday in October, Robin, Christian, Nicholas, Erin and myself sat in our van on the corner of 13th and Douglas. I knew that there was a group of homeless people who hung out in the park on 14th and Douglas, but I didn't think it would be right to sit on that corner in our van and be too obvious. Whatever that means. I have no idea what we were really thinking we could accomplish. And looking back, we were and are still very naive. That's probably a good thing. The thinking on that first Sunday was to show Robin that this was where we would begin. With His direction. Right across the street from my office building. I knew the need was there. We just needed to follow through and begin God's mission. I know I've been over these details before in various blogs, but it never ceases to amaze me just what God has us doing on that corner. And what is really amazing is the people who are getting involved on a weekly basis. I've mentioned before that there was a concern on my part about the numbers of people showing up to be fed, in whatever way, each Sunday. And I've mentioned a conversation I had with our great friend David, who told us that as growth happened, God would provide the necessary provisions and people to continue the mission. He certainly has provided. As He always does. For instance, that first Sunday was nothing more than a scouting mission. As we sat there a block away from the corner that would ultimately be our home each Sunday, Robin and I were discussing what it was we felt God leading us to do? The kids were offering their input and as I'm apt to do, thinking I have all the wisdom (right), I was really trying to determine what it was, in a physical sense, that we needed to do. I only remember one thing that any of my 3 kids offered that week. Some have heard this...others, maybe not. I'll simply never forget Nick and what he said that day. As Robin and I were discussing the situation, she was heavily stressing. Heavily. But Nick? No stress there man! Nick simply says, "Dad, I have some Cheerios I'll give the guys". What a thought. Here we are, and Robin especially trying to figure out how to save all "our guys" and Nick breaks it down in the simplest of ways. Here you go. I have something. They are hungry. Problem solved. Thanks Nick. What an amazing mission.

Well, God has really blessed us in the months that have passed. We've gone from a kid’s baggy of Cheerios, to a full Sunday spread every Sunday. Yesterday? I had a crazy thought as we got off of the interstate and headed into the downtown area. Yesterday's menu consisted of spaghetti. Robin made a big pot of spaghetti, probably enough to feed 50 people or so. So I start thinking, with the numbers of people continuing to grow every Sunday, what if no one else brought anything and we only had that one pot of spaghetti? And what if God, in all His Glory, allowed us to feed a couple of hundred people from that one pot? How amazing would that be? That is essentially what happens each week. He allows us to be His Hands and Feet and shine His light into an otherwise somewhat dim situation. It is indeed an amazing mission.

So yesterday's menu was spaghetti, of course bread and pastry from our great friends at Panera Bread, Jell-O with fruit, and cake. That's right. Cake. I was absolutely blown away by Shirley's multitude of cakes. I think she made 10 cakes. And if I understand it correctly, her young daughter Emily helped. Shirley works at Union Pacific. I don't know her, on a personal level. Yet. Only that she works at UP. Saw our "Help Wanted" ad and responded. It's so funny, because she told Robin she didn't cook? She's been coming down to help for a few weeks now, and all of a sudden yesterday she brings 10 cakes! But she told Robin she doesn't cook? Go figure? And these were fairly elaborately decorated cakes. Jell-O cakes. Chocolate cakes. All kinds of cakes. I saw guys with huge smiles and lots of cake flying around. What an amazing mission!

So then, I see my friend Rick. Rick is an original "Office Guy". He was in a world of hurt yesterday, as lots of these guys can be at times. Rick was in jail recently, got out and was actually living with his girlfriend, Romanita. I tell ya, it's like a soap opera at times. So anyway, Rick was sweating profusely, and was shaking pretty bad. I asked him what was going on and he proceeds to tell me that he's has a rough time as of late. Been hitting the bottle pretty hard. Having relationship troubles. And he was in a bad state of disrepair, if I can say that. Injured his ankle on the railroad tracks, ironically, and it was torn up pretty bad. No socks. Filthy clothing. Just in a bad way. So I get him a new shirt, some bandages, Neosporin and iodine for his ankle and some new socks. One of his buddies had a pair of jeans in his backpack, so between the 2 of us and of course God, we got Rick cleaned up and I got him a plate of food. He assured me he was going to straighten up and get it worked out, so I'll pray for that to happen. If you happen to think of it in your prayers, could you offer one up for Rick?

So back to the people who are some of the most amazing people I've ever met, aside from our friends at UCF in Charlotte. :) The people that have jumped in, just as God has directed, and are providing a glimpse of hope. Yesterday, as we began our activities, and as we prayed for the blessings that God provides weekly, I looked at the line and wondered if the guys in back could even hear me? In fact, one of our friends mentioned that I might need to invest in a bullhorn if the folks in the back wanted to take part in the prayer! And listen, my voice carries pretty well, so the end of the line went back a pretty good way. One of the single most amazing things that has happened within this ministry/church is the fact that God continues to provide from a single pot. All it took was for us to listen, to act and to follow His direction. And now? We have new people showing up every week to help because that's how God operates. And the cool thing is that when new people show up? They almost invariably bring new people the next week and often a fresh perspective. Here’s an email exchange I received just this morning from someone who has recently jumped in and started helping:

“Hey -
My daughter Tori really enjoyed herself yesterday helping to serve. I guess I should have asked if it was okay to bring her. She's a good helper.

I have some men's socks that I plan to bring with me on Sunday. About 20 pair. I also have a backpack and a couple of women tote bags. I am collecting blankets and gloves for this winter. I work with some people who want to know how to donate money to your program. Should I collect the donations and just give monetary funds to one of you?”

I won’t bore you with my reply, because among other things, I just asked her permission to use her email. But here’s the second of the two emails. Had me in tears of joy because of the simple, yet massive way God is humbling me in this mission:

“I read your blogs. They are very uplifting. The blogs remind me that I have been blessed with a good job, family and home, and there are many people who aren't. This gives me an opportunity to give back. People don't realize that there is a need out there to help one another. It's very interesting to talk with the people who we serve. Each story is unique. You and your family bring such goodness to the less fortunate. And they (the homeless) are very appreciative. I can't tell you how many times they tell me "thank you" for the hot, homemade meals, and I can tell that they truly mean it. The thank you comes from the bottom of their hearts. Anyway, feel free to us any text at all for your blogs. See ya Sunday, God Bless.”

Amazing…I so LOVE this mission!

And listen, maybe it isn’t for everyone. That's for sure. But it is truly an amazing journey. And I am so amazed that He continues to provide to us and for us. And if you really wanted to trace it back to His beginning for us, it all started with a bag o' Cheerios. From a nine year old boy who prays for "our guys" downtown almost every single night at our dinner table. We are so blessed. Beyond belief.

God has appointed us this amazing mission and I am blown away every single week by the events that take place. I could write volumes weekly on our activities. I mean volumes. Details that go forgotten. I wish I could keep track of them all. Like the guy who, yesterday, hands me a set of keys and a credit card case that he "found in a dumpster". They belong to a woman in Ames, Iowa. Here on business last week. Someone smashed her car window and took her purse. I'll send back what we have, but after talking to her yesterday, her checkbook and some of her credit cards are still missing. The point is, so much happens on that corner in a two hour span every Sunday that I could write so much more. Lucky for those who read this, I don't. :) I could though. And it basically all started with Nick's offer. Because that is how we should probably all look at it. Through the eyes of a child. When I begin to over analyze various situations, as I tend to do, I forget Who is in charge. Not Nick though. He knew that we simply needed to act. I have to remember that. And thank God for all the folks who have jumped in. I absolutely do not recognize this mission that He started all those months ago. It has grown into something that is a phenomenally bigger than I could ever have imagined. Imagine that. Me trying to box God in. I have no doubt that He has amazing things in store for us. Restoration. Salvation. God's blanket of grace is an amazing thing. We are truly so blessed. Thanks be to God!

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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