Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Storms and a Love Drug?

Once again we were amazed by our God today.  I don’t know why we find it so hard to believe he’d take care of us, except for the simple fact we live in a very small, limited mindset at times.  I don’t think we ever doubt Him.  Don’t get me wrong.  And we never doubt that He shows up every time we venture in to our downtown Omaha corner.  But today as we were leaving our nice, dry, suburban homestead, the skies were telling an ugly story.  I mean some of the ugliest, blackest, thickest, promise to dump a million gallons of water looking clouds on us in a minute that you could ever imagine seeing were hovering over the downtown area.  In fact, they were everywhere.  As far as the eye could see.  We live about 15 miles south and west of the downtown area and all the way down it was ugliness.  We even had people texting us telling us we’d better be ready.  It was already raining downtown.  One fellow who shall go unnamed even texted us and told us we’d better have a plan B.  Sorry man.  We only have one plan.  We aren’t sophisticated enough to have a plan B.  And anyway, we’ve seen it happen too many times.  In fact, its one thing our friends know.  When we show up down there, it doesn’t rain.  Has nothing to do with us.  Nothing.  Just God giving us a brief window to do a little work.  And I don’t know why in the world it is so surprising to me.  It’s like we tempted fate one too many times.  But it’s true.  It just doesn’t rain on that corner from about noon until whenever.  I don’t care what the weatherman says.  I don’t care what says.  Oh, we check.  I don’t know why.  But we check.  And it might tell us that it’s going to rain at whatever time.  But if that time falls in the window that we are downtown, forget about it.

So when we got downtown today, it was nice and cool.  And the line had formed.  And it was loooooong.  Man it was long.  Never know what we might find when we get down there.  Especially with the “threat” of rain.  Must not matter.  There were well over 200 people waiting when we got there today.  And when we got there, I was in hurry up mode.  In my mind, as feeble and limited as it is, we had to get this thing going.  We needed to get set up and get everyone served as quickly as possible in case it rained.  It was in the forecast ya know.  The skies were quite black.  And my mind was telling me we needed to hurry.  And for some reason, it seemed like we were short on people to help serve.  I was recruiting Nick, Christian, Erin and anyone else I could summon.  It just seemed weird that we had all these people to serve and not enough people to help out.  But they started showing up and pretty soon we had the serving tables fully staffed.  And poor Robin was about at her wits end trying to get it all set up.  We served tacos with chips and cheese and various desserts.  That menu takes quite a few hands to get everything doled out and keep the lines moving.  Oh and did I mention that we were worried about the possibility of rain?  Oh, us of little faith.  

So I jumped up on the wall with Erin and we did our thing.  One funny thing about that.  Every time we do out thing on that corner, we start the whole thing off with the Lord’s Prayer and then I say a short prayer to bless the food, our times, etc.  Erin always helps me.  We jump up on a short wall that lines the block from 13th St. to 14th St.  It’s just a good way for a short guy like myself to get a little more height and for them to be able to hear me if I actually were to have anything worthwhile to say.  As Robin gave me the go ahead today and told me to get up there, I looked around for Erin.  She was stationed at the front end of one of the serving tables.  The look on her face was one of worry.  She was pretty much tied to the table because as soon as we finished praying, the food would start flying!  She looked at me and said something like “…but Daddy, I have to stay here and serve”.  And she was right.  But she also knew that I don’t go up on that wall alone.  That’s our thing.  Me and Erin.  My trusted assistant.  I know I just spent a lot of words telling what may seem to be an insignificant story.  But it’s pretty huge to me.  I pray it’s something that Erin will always remember.  Years from now, that she and Daddy prayed on that wall many times and that she always has a heart for serving.  So Erin and I jumped up and did our thing.  And I really rushed the prayer.  Not in a way that dishonored why we were there.  But I just kept thinking we need to hurry up.  And when I got off the wall, a lady asked me where I “preached at?”  Seriously?  That always cracks me up.
So a few minutes later, after walking the line and greeting everyone, I’m standing on the corner.  What had a few minutes earlier been ugly, billowing, black clouds had given way to a small blue hole in the sky.  A small break.  Was it going to happen again?  A menacing summer storm that looked like it might just ruin our afternoon was going to blow by with not so much as a whimper?  When I looked up and saw the small dot of blue in the sky, you can bet I was on it.  I was talking to another fellow.  A guy who I’m just not sure what side of the fence he lies on, spiritually speaking.  I get the hint at times that he’s a believer.  But I’ve never really sensed a commitment.  But I was able to once again reiterate that we serve a God who cares about this stuff.  And about his people.  Especially those that gather on a corner in downtown Omaha on occasion.  I was able to let this guy know that this was once again God doing His thing while allowing us to also do His thing.  Just another chance to show this fellow that God does indeed mean business.  And He’s in the business of love.
On a somewhat humorous note, another fellow was there today and I think he wishes he was in the business of love.  A little different than God’s love, no doubt.  He mentioned to someone that he wanted to give Robin a love drug.  I am literally laughing out loud thinking that, number one, he actually said it and number two, who he said it to.  He made this proclamation to someone we know very well.  It’s not as if it wouldn’t get back to us.  Of course he didn’t know that.  I guess some of our friends don’t realize that we talk.  I don’t know.  It just hit me as pretty funny.  Not that Robin isn’t worthy of a love drug.  She definitely is.  But I’m going to probably have a talk with my man and tell him maybe he needs to focus his love elsewhere.   A love drug?  Seriously?  Wow…
So we brought enough food for a couple hundred people.  And we had about 250-300 plates.  And about 20 big tubs of clothing.  And all kinds of other stuff.  And we left the downtown area with a pretty empty trailer.  It was amazing.  And you have to remember all of this happens in a pretty organized, chaotic kind of way.  I’ve just never seen anything like it.  I get so many thank-yous.  Like I actually do anything?  I mean seriously.  It just blows my mind that we serve a God who will literally part the skies so we can do this thing and people are thanking me.  I try as hard as I can to make sure the thanks go to God.  And to let our friends know that it ain’t us, but Him they need to be thanking.  And I know that it’s pretty cool to get a good meal, some clothing, hygiene stuff, whatever, but I also know that it all leaves that corner with His blessing.  It just wouldn’t be possible otherwise. 
And by the time we left that corner, actually about an hour after we got there, the skies had completely changed to a bright blue and there wasn’t a cloud to be found anywhere in the downtown area.  Another beautiful, successful day of ‘Fishin.  Starfishin’.  With the blessings of a God who loves us like we will never know.  Very thankful to be able to serve alongside all of those who give up their Sunday afternoons to do this thing.  Because I know that a lot of them drove down thinking the same things we were thinking as we drove downtown today.  Probably along the lines of “…Are the Laneys crazy?  Don’t they know that the skies are about to open up on us?”  Well, honestly, that’s probably about what we were thinking.  And the skies did open up.  To reveal a beautiful blue sky and another opportunity to serve an amazing group of people and an AMAZING GOD!  :)
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world, when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid He may ask me the same question." Anonymous.
Instead, we always speak as God wants us to, because he has judged us worthy to be entrusted with the Good News. We do not try to please people, but to please God, who tests our motives. ~1 Thessalonians 2:4 Good News Translation (GNT)
Make a difference…it matters.

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