Sunday, May 25, 2008

Making a difference…

Its early Sunday morning as I write this blog. It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks for me from a personal standpoint. And tomorrow? We are going on a little family vacation. But it’s not quite the vacation we planned. You see, originally, the plan was to go to Alabama to spend a few days with my Father. We booked tickets months ago to fly out of Kansas City. Lots cheaper going that route. And we’d get the chance to see my niece graduate from high school. Her mother, my oldest sister Cindy, passed away 10 years ago this September. How did 10 years get by us so quickly? Anyway, we knew Dad’s health was failing pretty quickly, but we just didn’t think he’d leave us quite so soon. So now instead of visiting with him, we’ll try to take care of some loose ends that exist when a person leaves this huge ball of dirt. And we get to visit with my sister Kathy and her boys. One thing that definitely happened through this situation is my resolve to not let distance be an excuse to not have a relationship with family. It’s so easy to let time get away from us. So easy. Like I said, I simply cannot believe that my big sister has been gone 10 years…she made such a difference in my life. I simply wound not be where I am today had it not been for God blessing me and Robin with her astounding witness for Christ. I witnessed her faith right up to the very end and that changed my life in a profound manner. She, because of her faith and because of her belief in Christ, made a difference on this earth. No doubt about it.

So as I said, it’s Sunday morning and we obviously haven’t been downtown yet today. I normally wait and write this after we get back, for obvious reasons. But today, since we are going to be on the road to KC tonight, I thought I’d throw few things out that happened this week for me. I’ve felt a bit of a renewed energy around this ministry this week for various different reasons. One of them has to do with spring finally arriving and the longest winter known to man finally passing us by. Good grief! Whoever thought that an outdoor ministry would work here in Nebraska obviously didn’t consult with the local natives! We have a group of youngsters who come down to help on a fairly regular basis. They don’t usually come because of their inherent desire to make a difference. They usually show up because the county court orders them to do a little community service. I was talking to a young girl last week and it was amazing to me to think back to this past winter and seeing these young girls come down in sub-zero weather looking like they were going to the beach. I’m dressed like the kid in the Christmas Story and worried that if I fall, I might need help getting up. And these girls don’t even have gloves or hats. And this young lady tells me that she wants to come down more often now that the weather is nicer. Whatever it takes. The door is open for anyone to come and offer whatever they may have to offer. Just come down, bring whatever gifts God has gifted you with and do your part to make a difference…

So this week something else happened that I wanted to mention. Last December, I made a standing lunch date for Thursdays with one of the fellows I met downtown on our very first Sunday. Bill is a guy I’ve written about many times. So Bill and I had a standing lunch date to meet at a prearranged meeting place every Thursday at 11:30. So as I said, the first time we were to meet was a day last December. He did indeed show up. We went to a place called The Atomic Dog. Had a hotdog and just good conversation. I mentioned to Bill that maybe we could go a little deeper. We’d known each other all of a year and a month for crying out loud. Let’s maybe get to know each other a little better, but more importantly, let’s talk about God’s Word. Would Bill be interested? He said he would, but I sensed trepidation. And I was worried that I’d scare him off. Well, either I scared him off or something else happened, because that was the last time we met. So for the next 5 months or so, I continued to go, every single Thursday to our prescribed meeting place, but no Bill. As I’d see him on Sundays, he’d say that maybe he’d be there…maybe not. I simply reinforced that I’d be there regardless. If he showed up? Cool. If not, there’s always next week. Or is there? No promise that we even have tomorrow, much less next week! So through all of this, we’d met one time. In over 5 months? One time! And then last week? I was in a class at work all morning. We were scheduled to be out of class at 11:30. Bill and I were scheduled to meet at? 11:30. It had been raining all morning, so my guess was that he’d not be there anyway. But I always made the trip regardless, so I knew I had to make it that day. Rain and all. The class wraps up at 11:30. I grab an umbrella and make the 2 block trip up to our meeting place. No Bill. I’m not really surprised. I mean the very definition of insanity is performing the same act repeatedly with the expectation of a different result. But in this case, call me crazy. I know some day he’ll be there and on the chance that happens, I need to be there also. So I head back to work a little defeated. Because last Sunday, Bill told e he’d be there. I saw him a couple of times this week in the park and he mentioned he’d be there. I just figured because of the rain and whatever, he decided to make other plans. Funny thing happened later that day. I get a call on the way home from work. ODM (Open Door Mission) on my caller id. It’s Bill. He says he saw me from a couple of blocks away. Called it right down to the clothes I was wearing and my umbrella. And mentioned he recognized my walk. So he did make it. He was late, I was late, and we just missed each other. But it’s a start. Maybe next time we’ll actually hook up. The cool thing for me was that he called this time and wanted to make sure I knew that he didn’t stand me up. I don’t even know what these weekly meetings are supposed to accomplish. I only know that for some reason, I really want to know Bill better. And I want to share with him what a difference Christ can make in his life. God’s at work there. Of that I have no doubt. It’s a journey, but I know He will, at some point, make a difference in Bill’s life. No doubt. It’s all about making a difference.

And the folks from Papio Creek are on board now for sure. We had a meeting with them this week and they want to help in a multitude of ways. They told us they’ve been looking for a missional opportunity like this and here Robin and I are just a couple of miles away, in the same community, doing just as we feel God has directed us and they want to help also. I talked to their pastor for a few minutes after our meeting and it was so cool to know that God continues to send people. I simply cannot express how amazed I am at His faithfulness. There are so many people willing to help and He just keeps sending them. As people come and go, I just never worry about how this thing is going to continue on. He just keeps directing. Ministering. It’s just incredible how He moves the pieces around and continually makes a difference to all of us. On both sides of this crazy thing. To the people serving and those being served. And me? I simply want to hear those words when the day comes. "Good job…you made a difference. You heard, you listened, and you obeyed." Making a difference in the name of Christ. Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about?

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

Go out and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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