Sunday, April 6, 2008


So today I was just not quite myself. Whatever that means. Sometimes, maybe that’s a good thing? I just haven’t been feeling quite right lately. Not sure what is going on…just not on top of my game. I mean, nothing that major is going on. Nothing new anyway. I think a lot of it has to do with simply getting through the winter months here in Nebraska. I read something the other day that said this was the coldest winter here in the last 14 or 15 years. Go figure. But today? Spring shone on us just a little bit. The weather looked a little dreary this morning, but once we got downtown, the sun broke through and it was once again a great day. Food was plentiful, fellowship was in great supply and plenty of opportunities existed to share the love of Christ with our friends in the downtown community. St. Phillip was there. Now this guy is just out there. How the system has failed Phillip and how he manages to live in a shelter instead of some type of health care facility is beyond me. And there are lots of Phillips. Guys that simply wander the streets throughout the days and somehow wind up at a shelter at night. Tony is another. I have no idea how these guys manage. No idea. But they do manage to show up most Sundays and we are always glad to see them. And I mean glad in the sense that we at least know that they are ok. And fed. And clothed. To a degree anyway. And Phillip knows the Lord. I’m not sure of his real understanding, but he knows. He’s been to our Tuesday Bible study with us. He knows. And I have to think the Lord knows Phillip.

I was talking to a fellow named Tommy today and he said something to me that made me belly laugh. I mean a good, old fashioned belly laugh. A few fellows were sitting around waiting for the line to go down a bit and we were talking. Gabe was sitting on the ground, Tommy was sitting on a folding chair he carries around with him and I was standing just taking it all in and chatting with them. Gabe seemed a bit down maybe, but ok. Tommy asked how I was doing and I said I was just ok. Blessed for sure, but a bit down for some reason. Happens to us all I guess. But Tommy? Tommy said he was vigorous! Vigorous! That made me laugh. He’s recently returned from West Virginia. Had some legal problems to tend to there. We’ve talked about them many times before and he was really concerned about going back to face the piper, so to speak. He put it off for months and months. Finally went and for some reason, they ended up dropping all the charges. He’s back and feeling vigorous! His words made me rethink my current mindset. Just before we left for the day today, Tommy made a point to come over and say goodbye. You see, Tommy is a guy that is usually in good spirits. Big old smile. He came over and said he had to say thanks and goodbye to…the pastor. I corrected him and told him he knew better. He just looked me in the eyes and said it again. It is so funny to me to hear someone say that. Why? Because for some strange reason, God placed this awesome responsibility in our laps? Why? Because He blessed us with a ministry that weekly blows my socks off? Why does anyone ever refer to me in that way? I have no ideas. I always make sure they know otherwise. But in Tommy’s case, he just bear-hugged me tighter than I was ready for and told me thanks. And that he was going into treatment at the VA Hospital on Monday. I urged him to make his appointment. I told him of my time there. All those years ago. September of 1990. Until October 1 of the same year. 28 days I believe. The most important 28 days of my life. I told Tommy to call me. Gave him one of our cards. I’d love to go back. I haven’t been back in over 18 years. I’d love to go back and visit my friend Tommy. I pray that he keeps his appointment and makes it through…vigorously!

Kevin called me this week. Kevin is a guy we met on week one, in the office, that space in the middle of the park where our friends conduct various types of “business”. Used to anyway. Not so much activity in the office anymore. And not so much activity from Kevin these days. He called me about two weeks ago to let me know he was doing ok. We hadn’t seen him in a while. Apparently that was a good thing. He’s got an apartment that he’s been sharing with his girlfriend for a while now. Apparently it’s been a roller coaster ride for the both of them. But he spent some time recently at the Campus for Hope. Two weeks ago when he called, I believe he told me he was coming up on 90 days of sobriety. 90 days. He was, however behind in his rent. Just wondering if we knew of a place that might be able to help him get caught up. We swapped phone messages over the next few days. When we finally connected, he made a point to tell me he wasn’t really asking for anything from us. It seemed as though he just wanted someone to talk to. We talked on the phone for a good 20 minutes. About the journey ahead for him. And the difficulties he’ll face. But he has good aftercare and I have hopes that he’ll make it. We’re going to get together for coffee soon. I hope we can make that happen. He said he’d call this week sometime, so hopefully we can make that happen. Vigorously!! :)

And finally, I got an email this week from a lady named Diane. Her brother, Dan, passed away at the shelter two weeks ago. 39 years young. I knew Dan and it was pretty disheartening to hear of his passing. I read an article in the paper a day or so after Dan’s death. I saw his sister’s name in the article. She lives in Wichita, Kansas. I took a shot and googled her name and found an email address that looked like it might be her. It was. I told her that we knew Dan and we thought highly of him. Dan had a history of various mental illnesses according to the article. She was definitely feeling the loss of her brother. I know the feeling. So, I just told her that we knew Dan, we really liked him, and we’d really miss him. She was very thankful that someone cared. She just said that they were not a wealthy family and they tried the best they could, but they finally just couldn’t do it anymore. So Dan ended up here at a shelter. And at the very young age of 39, he left us. At times I wonder if what we are doing really does make a difference. Are we really doing anything that matters for our friends? Really matters? And her response to me reaffirmed to me that maybe it does. She simply said that what we did for her brother would never be forgotten. I simply have to tell her that we do nothing. If it weren’t for the Lord’s provisions and blessings, none of our activities would ever happen. Ever. No way. So to Dan’s family? We’ll pray for them during this difficult time. It’s not supposed to happen this way. But it does. I know. I’ve been there…

So hopefully, Tommy makes his appointment this week. And maybe some of our other friends will follow in his footsteps. And hopefully Kevin and I can get together for a cup of coffee. Vigorously!! :)

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

…it simply matters…

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