Sunday, April 13, 2008

Homeless…not hopeless.

So today was nice. Now that may sound ridiculous, given the nature of the people we meet with on Sundays and their sometimes dire circumstances. But it was nice in several ways. First of all, my nephew, Christian and I had a pretty good time in the garage this morning loading, sorting and just doing some of the things we do every week. My nephew is Christian’s age and he is in the process of acquiring service hours. He’s been downtown with us to help and he’s been to our house to help with the Sunday preparation work also. Great kid. He came over recently to interview Robin and I for a school speech. He was writing a speech about people changing other people’s lives. That is so weird for me to hear. That his perception is such. It's funny that he thinks we actually do anything. Because we do nothing really. Except physical stuff. If any change is happening? It's all on God. Obvioulsy. So, he’s only been around this thing a few times, yet that is his perception from the outside looking in. And he’s bringing a few of his buddies next week to get a few hours for their service projects. Hey, they are welcome anytime. We can always use the help and there is always room for these guys to get a little dirty and see things that might get them out of their Nintendo comfort zones.

Another thing, I must have signed 10 community service cards today. These kids keep coming back. Now, obviously they have to get their hours in somewhere. But they could surely choose somewhere else. However they keep coming back. And they have to be impacted in some way. I even had one girl call me back today after we’d left the downtown area. She wanted to donate a bike to one of the homeless guys. And these kids seem to get it. So they get in a little trouble. They have to do some community service time. They show up on our corner for their service. And I’m pretty sure it has to have some kind of impact. Here’s the deal. You cannot do this thing without being impacted. And if they keep coming back? Maybe they get it. Or maybe they just keep getting in trouble. Whatever. They keep coming back.

Man, I looked into a guy’s eyes today and saw a broken, homeless fellow. Bobby McGhee. Now I don’t usually use a guy’s last name but c’mon? Bobby McGhee? Are you kidding me? And I apologize if you are now humming the tune. It's been in my head all afternoon. It is every time I see him. So, we met Bobby what seems now like a long time ago. I’d say he’s probably in his late 50s or early 60s. He looks older. The lifestyle definitely takes its toll on some of our friends. If I can be bluntly honest, he’s in pretty rough shape. Chronic alcoholic. Just a pretty broken fellow. And today he showed up late and missed out on lunch. I try to tell the guys to get there at noon. We always have enough if a guy gets there at noon. But if a guy shows up at 2:00? Odds aren’t in their favor. So he was a bit intoxicated, which is always difficult for us. Lots of these fellows are becoming like old friends. You hate to see an old friend throw their life away. But these guys were at it long before we came along. That’s for sure. It’s really odd though. I see some of the same guys over and over and they keep telling me over and over that they are going to change. Turn it around. I really think some believe it. I’ve seen some do it. Dan showed up today. 97 days sober. Doing time at the Salvation Army work therapy program. He is really working at it. I have a feeling he might make it. I pray that he does. And Bobby? Don’t know how he’ll ever pull himself out of it. Gabe came over while we were sitting on the wall trying to figure out how we were going to get Bobby something to eat. Gabe says for Bobby not to worry. He has friends. Bobby snapped at him. Said for Gabe not to talk to him about friends. You see, Gabe owed Bobby $2. Yep. $2. And I’m sure that is fairly commonplace for the guys to owe each other. But $2? And Bobby says that at that moment he has one friend. Me. Now I don’t know Bobby that well. But he considers us his friends. And that amazes me. That God would send a bunch of us suburbanites into the downtown area and they would see us in that way. Now I’m not naïve enough to think that some of these guys wouldn’t “borrow” a few bucks from us if the opportunity arose. But that comes with the territory. It just struck me as Bobby sat on the wall, told me he just wanted to die and began crying, that the hopelessness must be overwhelming at times. Menelik said it best though. In response to something someone said to him, he said he was homeless, not hopeless. Now Menelik is another story, but I have to believe that there is hope for Bobby. Has to be. Somewhere deep within him, there has to be a glimmer of hope. One thing I’ve learned during the time I’ve spent on that corner? You have to have compassion for all of the issues that you come across. So you have a guy who is a Level 3 Sex Offender? Does he deserve any less love than a guy who is just chronically drunk? Or does he deserve any less compassion than a guy who is simply down on his luck at the present time? I don’t really know the answer, I just know that they all deserve our love and care. It’s that simple. It’s not always that easy, but it is definitely that black and white for me. And sometimes a little Red. As in Red letters. Because within the Red letters, we are clearly instructed to do so. But it is a little difficult at times.

So as I ramble on, here’s how the day ended for us. We had a hard time getting off the corner. The weather was great. A little cool, but plenty of sunshine. The sense of urgency to leave is not quite as great as it is in the sub-zero times. Back to Bobby. He hadn’t eaten today. So one of the guys went across the park where the Veggies had set up shop. “The Veggies” is the name our friends have given to a group who meet on the opposite side of the park on Sundays. They serve? You guessed it. A vegetarian menu. So Terry got Bobby a plate of food from the Veggies. And then Jon and his family gave Bobby a ride back to the Sienna Frances House. Bobby could barely walk. Rough day for my homeless friend. I have no idea sometimes how to pray for some of our friends. Asking God to “fix” a guy like Bobby seems so difficult. How do you pray for a guy that seems hell bent on literally drinking himself to death? I have no idea. But we’ll continue to pray. For their well being. For their safety. For someone to come into their lives and simply offer a bit if direction. For patient endurance. The type of endurance that only God can offer. I’ve struggled with that one myself greatly, especially lately. And even in today’s wacky happenings, I was able to see Him at work. Through conversation. Through fellowship. It was great to be in the presence of the Lord today and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us in the coming months!

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:36 NLT

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

…it matters to that one… :)

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