Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thank You for this day…and thank You for this meal.

At my house, most evenings, and for lots of years, that's been a mainstay prayer at our dinner table. Christian started it some time back, when he was entirely too small to be talking that much. Yet for anyone who knows Christian, you know that boy was born to talk. So now Nick and Erin always start out their prayers with that simple phrase. Dear Lord, thank You for this day and thank You for this meal. This past week, we had the blessing of having my Mom stay with us as she convalesced from back surgery. She went home yesterday. I was sad to see her go, but knew she'd be ok. She is an amazing woman and it appears that all the prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery have been answered. She has a bit of a road ahead of her, but it sure looks like she is going to do well. So this week as we gathered around our dinner table each night and I listened to each of my kids thank God for our day and our meal, and thank God for having Grandma here with us, I had to thank God myself for the wonderful blessings in my life. I am indeed a blessed individual.

And today was amazing in so many ways. The weather was really weird this weekend. We had an absolutely beautiful day on Saturday. Temps in the 60s and just a great day. Today, the forecast was for a drop in the temps in the afternoon and snow in the evening. Only in Nebraska. And it is snowing as I type. And cold. From the 60s to the 20s in a matter of 24 hours. But this morning as I began my morning activities it was in the high 50s. Going to be a great day I thought to myself. Well, myself was right on the money in some aspects, just not from a weather standpoint. As the morning wore on, the winds kicked up and the temps began a rapid descent. By the time we got downtown, we realized we were probably all underdressed. Oh well. But what a banner day for doing the Lord's work. Seemed like everything went off like clockwork, in spite of my screw-ups. Christian and I decided to whip up a cooler of lemonade instead of hot chocolate. It's this transitional time of year that is the most difficult for me. So by the time we arrived downtown, I realized that was a bad choice. And I took it on the chin from lots of folks for the lemonade choice. And I forgot to bring the coffee creamer. No Half 'n Half? So we send Christian and Jessica up to Starbucks a block away to beg for some. And they come back with it. Mission accomplished. A little marriage of Starbuck's Half 'n Half and Scooters coffee. If they only knew…

So after we pray and everyone gets a bite to eat, we start putting out the clothing bins, handing out coats, socks, whatever else a person in need might need on a day like this. There's our friend St. Phillip. Wearing a light jacket with no shirt on underneath. This guy is a character and I have stories about Phillip. I'll save those for another day. So as the clothing bins are leaving the back of the trailer, a lady shows up. We exchange pleasantries, and she asks if we are the 'ones' who do this every Sunday. She's driven by and seen us before and saw our story on the news last week. Well, His story. Anyway, she says she was driving by and decided to stop and make a donation. :) Thanks Michelle. She has no idea, but she just funded a bus trip home to New Orleans for a fellow named Donald. Came here after Hurricane Katrina looking for a fresh start. Heard there was work here. For a variety of reasons, it didn't pan out. Now? Living at the Sienna Francis House. Homeless shelter. So her gracious donation funded a trip home for Donald. He leaves Friday morning and said he'd call when he arrived. We'll be praying for Donald and praying that God will continue to bless us in ways that make it possible for guys like Donald to go home. Wherever home may be. So that a guy doesn't end up in a strange city…homeless. Ever thought about what that might feel like? Hope I never find out…

Doug is a fellow we've known for a while now. Lives in a tent down by the river. I've mentioned him before. For the life of me, I cannot imagine how he does it. He's a pretty frail fellow and seems to be cold all the time. I wonder why. It has to wear on a guy to have to deal with the elements every single night. Can't imagine. So today, a fellow named Jason shows up. Now hopefully this will turn out to be a really, really cool thing. You see, Jason has just returned from his 4th tour of duty in Iraq. We're introduced and we chat a bit. He asks me if there are any veterans here? Any homeless veterans? You betcha. I could point out a few dozen probably. So first thing, he wants to make a little donation to our ministry. Awesome. But the really cool part? He wants to hook up with a veteran and take him home for the night. Take him to the mall and get him a new change of clothes. Says his wife has a big meal cooking at home. Wants to take him home for a nice, hot shower and a warm place to sleep. Do I know of anyone? Are you kidding me? Do I know of anyone!!?? Yeah, I know a bunch of anyones. But I have someone in mind. Doug. Navy veteran. He's your man. So we head over to the library and look for Doug. We finally find him on the second floor, back in the corner looking a little dazed. They hook up. Last I see of them, they are walking down the sidewalk. Can't wait to hear how this one turns out. Goodness. God was at work today. We were just the simple tools of His trade. That of bringing a little of His love to a street corner in downtown Omaha. Michelle, the very generous lady I mentioned earlier, seemed to be pretty impressed as she looked around. She said we were doing good work. I said we were doing the Lord's work. She agreed.

So again, what a day and what a meal. Another fellow, Jim, who was there for the first time today saw the story on the news and came as a result also. He and his friend Cory came down to pitch in. They jumped right in were very helpful. Shortly before he left, Jim and I were talking about how this got started and what it's become. The funny thing? He spoke the exact words I spoke so many months ago. He looked around and said this is so simple. Anyone can do this. He said he loved reading the Word, but he liked getting out and living It also. I remember thinking after we started going down to our weekly spot, how simple this really is. A meal, some clothing, fellowship. It's so stinking simple. Yet His involvement and His direction and guidance are so very evident. And so unbelievably not simple. It never ceases to amaze me how He gives us everything we need just when we need it. We serve an amazing God. I love Him from the depths of my soul. I simply cannot get enough of Sunday. I am so in awe of the people He sends. On both sides of the equation. And today? Beautiful day. A little windy and cold. A bit raw. It is March and we are "still" in Nebraska. GodforsakenNebraska. :) But I can't think of another place I'd rather be, except maybe if we could move this park and these people to a little town North and West of Charlotte, North Carolina. Concord, North Carolina, home of University City Fellowship. Where we learned how to go there. Where we became a little more equipped to do His work. Where we spent a few years in one of the most important times of our lives. Robin, the kids, me…not realizing that He was setting us up to do this. His work. What an amazing and unbelievable ride.

Today when we prayed? I thanked God for this day and this meal. This day allows us to go there. This meal allows us to go there in His name. Dear Lord...thank You for this day and thank you for this meal! From the mouths of babes…to the least of these. It's so simple. So very simple. Yet so very cool.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

…"it matters to this one"…

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