Monday, March 24, 2008

Don’t you never forget to tell them...

Where to start today? It’s Monday. I used to put this blog together on Monday morning, after I had a chance to digest the things that happened on Sunday. Yesterday was just a day that didn’t allow me the opportunity to put anything to paper, so to speak. There are so many things that happen on an average Sunday that I couldn’t possible remember all of them. So I started to put my thoughts down on Sundays, while things were fresh. And the fact that my memory is becoming more and more forgettable is a contributing factor also. I really only try to capture a small portion of what happens because I obviously only see it from my perspective. I usually find out through the week that other very cool things have happened that I was totally unaware of. That’s certainly one of the cool things that happens on that crazy corner. So many people and so little time. Yesterday was obviously Easter Sunday. It was our second Easter Sunday with our friends in the park. Last year, we really didn’t know what to expect. We found out after the fact that the Old Chicago restaurant in the Old Market served an annual Easter dinner. So we were better prepared for that this year. And what we found last year, much like some family gatherings, people tended to show up at varying times. But they all seemed to show up. With their Old Chicago take out bags. We had lots of people and God provided just enough for everyone. He always does. And when they left our corner, some had extra to-go plates. Packaged up and ready to eat. What an awesome day. The weather was a bit cold. Overcast and windy. Not exactly what you’d expect for Easter Sunday, but an awesome day nonetheless because we were in the Lord’s presence.

One thing that I was able to do yesterday was be a little more intentional and share a little bit of His Good News. I was able to share, for a few minutes before we prayed and ate, the Good News that there is Hope. Hope for us all. Totally out of my comfort zone. And totally out of my normal safe way of doing things. One of the things that has happened for me over the course of the past year and a half or so is my desire to tell people about the Greatest News of all has grown to a point that I’m not nearly as guarded as I used to be. My faith used to be a very private thing for me. Don’t know why. I just wasn’t a person to go around thumping, so to speak. In fact, guys that talked about Jesus and Bible studies and such used to make me very uncomfortable. Guess who I’ve become? To a point anyway. It becomes easier and easier for me to be outward in my faith and I love telling our friends downtown about what God has done for me and my family. Even in the difficult times. Lately, I feel as though I’ve been in some valleys, but the mountaintop is in view. Just have to get there. Sometimes the only way to the light is through the dark places. Apparently, anyway. But I know that He is there. Waiting. Watching. Always faithful. And what an opportunity we have every week to share that with folks who may see things so differently. What an awesome opportunity.

I was talking to a great lady named Sharon yesterday. Very briefly. She is from Trinity Lutheran Church in Papillion. She has been so great to us in helping out in so many ways. Yesterday, however, was her first visit to our downtown corner. At one point, we were talking and she introduced me to the kids she brought down from their youth group. There werer a handful of kids and the youth director from Trinity helping out. Harry, a younger fellow was sitting on the wall chatting with a homeless fellow. The others were helping serve coffee and hot chocolate to folks waiting in the back of the line. And I thanked Sharon for all she does to help and for coming down on Easter Sunday. And for bringing her Mother, who celebrated her 73rd birthday yesterday. And she thanked me for the opportunity to come down. And it seems that people say that often. Thanks for the opportunity. And it gets me thinking. Thanks for what opportunity? The chance to hang out with a bunch of folks, some in varying forms of intoxication, some in varying degrees of poverty, all with needs that I cannot begin to get my head around. What opportunity? One that allows me to stand on a corner and pray with these great people and offer them a glimmer of Hope through the love of Christ? One that allows Robin and I the chance to show our kids our faith in action? Because I have to turn around and thank God for the opportunity to do any of it. If it weren’t clearly blessed by Him, none of it would happen. Period. After seeing this thing in action for all the months and weeks that we’ve been there, there is no doubt in my mind that He is the Director of all of it. And it’s all for His people. All for those that might be marginalized to a large degree. I was talking to an Hispanic fellow yesterday, Jorge, a fellow I just love talking to. His words to me always are this - "Don’t you never forget to tell them about Jesus". That’s our customary greeting now. Because I’ll never forget. Never. And as we chatted yesterday, he takes out the most tattered Bible I’ve probably ever seen. Called it his wallet. And he asked me if I had anything like that for him. And we have Bibles, just not like his. But I’m going to try and get him one just like his for next week. Because I can never forget. Jorge is the reason we do this crazy thing. Guys like him are there. And guys on the other end of the spectrum are there also. Guys that just want to eat. And get a new shirt or new boots or new whatever. But if we keep "never forgetting" to tell them about Jesus", maybe one day the seed will take root. One thing that Jorge said that stuck with me and will remain with me was of our faithfulness to them. While it really is our faithfulness to Him, Jorge viewed it as our faithfulness them. They really go hand in hand. He mentioned the bitter cold days and the fact that we always showed up. And in his eyes, that was important. That alone was all I needed to hear. Because that is success in His name. Because Jorge knows Jesus, deeply no doubt. And Steve knows Him also. And Steve was sharing a verse from Revelations with me yesterday. And was so excited to get a Spanish Bible for his friend at the shelter. We have, among our friends, guys that get it. And if we can keep our faith actions in tact, keep them on track and stay out of God’s way long enough for Him to work, some of the most amazing things happen. Simply because there is an opportunity for people to help others.

So yesterday was Easter. We attended a very un-traditional service in the park. We had an opportunity to share a little about the Hope that exists for anyone who so desires. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all so desired? But the journey continues. It’ll no doubt be a long and arduous journey. That’s OK. I hope. Because there is Hope. In Jesus. And I’ll never forget to tell them about Him. And his amazing sacrifice that we might have eternal life. Because in the end, only one thing really matters. The Hope of welcoming Arms. Those Arms that wrap around us and say those words...Welcome Home! You did good. That’s all I want to hear. Welcome Home.

Dear God...thank You for the awesome opportunity You’ve placed before us. Thank You for the Cross. As Christian said a couple of nights ago, thank You for sending Your Son to die on a cross for us. How powerful are those words. And how awesome for me that they would come from my son. Thank You God for the opportunity to serve. I will never forget to tell them about Jesus.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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