Sunday, February 10, 2008

How does 5° = -11°?

Today the temperature was 5°. But the “feel like” temp was -11°. Is there really a difference between 5° or -11°? Minus 11 degrees. Are you kidding me? Do you know what happens at minus 11 degrees? Snot freezes. Half ‘n Half coffee creamer freezes. Your standard house cleaners that one would use to clean a table after serving a few of our favorite, diehard friends freezes. Everything freezes. Did I mention that snot freezes at that temperature? It does. And so does everything else. I sometimes wonder if God isn’t testing us. He must have a sense of humor. Has to. Because the only way we’d go downtown in this kind of weather is to see what kind of nutty people might show up, us included. We know some of our friends live in tents down by the river. I asked Tom today if he was still outside or back outside. He has a “waterside residence” down by the mighty Missouri River. I know that lately he’s been staying indoors at the Francis House. So today I checked to see if he’s gone back out yet. Me – “Tom, you back outside yet?” Tom – “You nuts?” I just laughed and said yeah…I’m nuts. I must be to venture out on days like this. When absolutely everything freezes. Fortunately, we have a propane cooker to keep food warm for a while. They have to eat quickly though or…you guessed it, it freezes. 11 degrees below zero. That’s insane. Funny thing though? They still show up. I have no doubt that I’d be wimping out in a shelter somewhere. Not these guys. They’re coming for some good fellowship I suppose. Good food. Good stuff. Good times in His name. God’s good blessings. Amazing.

Jean comes down to help every week. I mentioned previously that we graduated together recently. Her son called Nick last night and asked if he was going to the picnic on Sunday? The picnic? Has ol’ Nick perplexed. He looks at Robin and asks if we’re going to a picnic on Sunday? Well, duh Nick. We go to one every Sunday. Just because it’s going to be 11 DEGREES BELOW ZERO doesn’t mean we’ll skip out on this one. Just funny to me how different people view this thing that happens every Sunday. Nick’s buddy John views it as a picnic. So do I. A walk in the park, if you will. Just better bundle up for days like this. And there were guys there without coats. I’m stunned when I see that. Never ceases to amaze me that someone would even venture outdoors in that kind of weather without a coat…or gloves…or a hat? But they do. And God usually blesses us with the provisions to make sure they are taken care of. I simply take for granted that my family is taken care of when it comes to these things. It is heart wrenching to see someone there in need…to see them so cold they are shaking….to see them so hungry…to see them so hungry for a relationship…with Christ. Because deep down that is the only thing that will save any of us from ourselves. I’ve proven time and again that when I think I have any of this figured out, I am humbled rather quickly.

Met a guy today by the name of Chris. Just go into town from Des Moines. I think he said he was originally from St. Louis. He’d been living on the river in Des Moines. Well, Chris, I know a couple of guys in that neighborhood. Have a couple of friends that hang out in the neck of the woods. Bob and Al. Great guys. He knew ‘em. Amazing what a small world we live in. Chris came to Omaha with a young lady. They got here Friday night. He hasn’t seen her since. So here he was. In need. IN 11 DEGREES BELOW ZERO weather. Man. Could have picked a better time to come to Omaha. Like Summner?

Talked to my friend John today. John is homeless by choice. I’ve written about him a few other times. Used to live under a bridge. Been staying at the Francis House the past few weeks. Been sober the past few weeks also. Seems there was a death in the family recently. His sister in Arkansas wanted him to come. He wants to. Just having trouble getting there. John is a fascinating fellow. I’d love to sit and pick his brain someday just for the stories. He’s the guy that I used to watch go through the line over and over to fill a jar with soup. I watched him one day go through about 3 or 4 times and pour his cup into a jar. I finally took the jar from him and filled it up. He was making me tired just watching him. Robin got him a thermos the next week so he wouldn’t have to work so hard and his soup would stay warm. Made sure to get a picture with John today. Could be gone soon and he says if he goes, he “ain’t coming back”. Can’t blame him. Don’t think it gets to 11 below zero in Arkansas.

Got a couple of interesting phone calls this week. First one was from a fellow named Scott. Scott left a while back to do some work in Vegas. He called earlier in the week and talked to Robin. Just wanted to let us know he was ok and that things were going pretty well. He’s in South Dakota currently, working. Has a place and seems to be doing well. We see so many people come and go. It’s impossible to know how they are all doing. Where they’ve all gone. Impossible to know if the love we share for Christ ever makes a dent in some of that tough street armor that we see so often. But every once in a while we get a phone call or a message from someone we’ve met on that corner to let us know that they are doing ok. Got a call from Gabe last night. Gabe was a mess when we first met him well over a year ago. He was a hustler for sure. Not in a mean, intentional way I don’t think. Just a survivalist. Gotta do what you gotta do, I suppose. I was always a little skeptical. And then he disappeared. Resurfaced a few weeks ago. Now the last time I saw him, he said he was battling cancer. Sometimes we hear stories and I’m not real sure what to believe sometimes. But he definitely looked the part. Thin, frail…the works. So he shows up a few weeks ago and he seems to be doing great. Called me last night and just wanted to let us know that he’s doing well. Working, has a place to stay and seems to be taking the steps necessary. And says that the Lord must have plans for him, or else he wouldn’t have made it this far. And sober. That‘s always good. Tough to break through when the alcoholism is raging. But when a guy is sober? Good stuff. God stuff. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for Gabe.

Been listening to a lot of the new David Crowder CD lately. New CD is called Remedy. What a great collection of songs. Two of my favorites are Remedy and Surely We Can Change Something. Remedy is about the only thing that can save us from ourselves. The Remedy. God. Our Savior. Pretty simple concept really, yet so very complex. He is indeed the Remedy. But on the flip side, we can also be the remedy. To a busted and broken world. I love that song. But I think I like the closing song on this CD just a little better. They lyrics are so cool. I’ll just post them here. It’s a pretty profound lyric and I can do it no justice. Blessed it what comes to mind. But the gist is that we can all do something to change the silliness of our world. Surely we can change something…in His name…for His Glory…in His Honor. Can’t we?

The song…
And the problem is this
We were bought with a kiss
But the cheek still turned
Even when it wasn’t hit

And I don’t know
What to do with a love like that
And I don’t know
How to be a love like that

When all the love in the world
Is right here among us
And hatred too
And so we must choose
What our hands will do

Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change
Surely we can change

And the problem it seems
Is with you and me
Not the Love who came
To repair everything

And I don’t know
What to do with a love like that
And I don’t know
How to be a love like that

When all the love in the world
Is right here among us
And hatred too
And so we must choose
What our hands will do

Where there is pain
Let us bring grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Let us be brave
Where there is misery
Let us bring them relief
And surely we can change
Surely we can change
Oh, surely we can change

Oh, the world’s about to change
The whole world’s about to change

So…it was bitter cold today. But I felt like we showed up. In His Name. Because it’s what He’d have us do. No matter the reason we might want to stay in the comfort of our own homes. It shouldn’t be about our comfort. And in spite of the weather, we had a good day today. In His presence. And I love Him with all my heart, mind and soul. I’m blessed beyond anything I deserve. And I probably deserve a few days in 11 degrees below zero. Definitely. Now Robin? Well that’s a different story. Have I mentioned lately how much she enjoys Nebraska winters? :)

Peace and have a great and blessed week!

“…it matters to that one”… :)

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