Sunday, February 17, 2008

Anxiety or …

Seems every Sunday morning I experience this weird feeling. It kind of creeps up on me in the early morning hours. Just weird. And I don’t know why or where it comes from. Or I guess I do. It’s a feeling of anxiety. Now it’s never really anywhere near overwhelming. But it’s there. Lurking. Bringing on the questions. What will the day be like? What is waiting for us on that corner today? What states of intoxication will we find? What other issues will we come up against? And some Sunday mornings it is stronger than others. This morning, for instance wasn’t too bad. Just a little hint. Some mornings? It can really rear its head. Just a funny observation. Because as the morning wears on and we do our thing, it goes away. And as we make the trip downtown, it is all but gone. Then it’s time to get the game face on for His work. And that’s when the good stuff begins.

Had an awesome conversation today with a fellow named Steve. Steve has a story, like all of us. Probably in his mid to late 40s I’d guess? Got mixed up in meth and other stuff a few years back. Been clean for 14 months. Had a pretty strong conviction about never getting involved with that stuff again. Never is a long time. I know. It’s a deal I’ve seen first hand. So back in the midst of it all, Steve lost his house, job, car, and everything else that seemed to matter. Those things that seem to matter to all of us. His current address? 1702 Nicholas St., Omaha, NE. The Sienna Frances House. Homeless shelter. Ever been in a homeless shelter? I mean really been in one? If you are reading this and have never been to one, do yourself a favor and visit one. I don’t mean just go and visit. I mean find one and get the nickel tour. Whatever it takes, go serve a dinner, do whatever. But go and see what a shelter is like. So that’s Steve’s home now. But the thing about Steve? He knows Christ. I mean deeply knows. He was raised in a Christian Scientist environment. But he met a pastor a while back that challenged him to follow Christ. It worked. He’s in. We have a table we use for Bibles and New Testaments and things of that nature. I see Steve there almost weekly. In fact I was taking some pictures a couple of weeks ago and inadvertently caught him in the act.

Today I had a chance to really talk with Steve. He’s been involved in a Bible study with some guys that have been coming down to help. They go over to the Omaha Public Library right across the street from where we meet and spend a half hour or so every week. It’s a very cool thing that has happened recently. He also wants to come to our Tuesday Community groups. But for today, we had a chance to chat about stuff. How he got into his current situation? What are his plans? Where are you in the overall picture? So we had great conversation. He seems to have a pretty strong faith. It’s so interesting, because I made what probably seemed like a ridiculous statement. He told me he’s probably had opportunities to get out of the shelter. But for whatever reason, it just hasn’t happened. I said “what if that’s your cross?” What if He wants you there, in the middle of what must seem like hell at times, giving witness to others about His greatness? What if? Now I clarified it with him by making sure he understood that in no way was I saying he was in a good situation. But what if? What if it was all part of the plan?

He said he’s wanted to talk to me for a while now, about a lot of things. How we do what we do? How we manage to always have enough food. How we mange to make it down every week. All that stuff. And we prayed. Steve and I, at the back of the trailer on a raw, windy, damp February day on a street corner in downtown Omaha. Steve led. He prayed for our ministry and for the Francis House. He prayed that God would lead us on our journey together. I told him later that a great friend of ours had prayed for us. Prayed that God would place a strong, homeless Christian in our path. Someone that could help us, help them in His name. For His glory. In His honor. And here’s Steve. Chance? Who knows. I told him maybe we should pray and see where God leads us. So we did. I was blessed on that corner today. In more ways than I could imagine. And it had nothing and everything to do with a cup of soup. So where from here with Steve? Who knows? Guess we’ll find out soon enough…

A couple of personal notes. My Mom is having back surgery on Tuesday. If you are so inclined, she and I would welcome any and all prayers in that regard. It’ll be a bit of a tough recovery, but she’s a tough cookie. If anyone can bounce back from this quickly, it’s Mom. Her surgery is at 11:30 on Tuesday. I’d so appreciate your prayers for her!

One other thing. Christian and I have been talking about putting a website together for a while now. Well, it’s out there. Check it out. It’s a work in progress. But the cool thing? We got to kind of work on it together. And he did a great job. I love the fact that all my kids are involved in this ministry in one way or another. I was talking to a couple of fellows downtown today. John, Melvin, Paul and I were having a bit of conversation and I told them how unbelievably blessed I am as a father and husband. I have great kids, an awesome wife and I don’t deserve any of it. And now? I get to watch my oldest son become a young man and do things like this. What a blessing. And I get to go downtown every week and experience great fellowship with my family and great people like Steve and all the other great people that cross our paths. And my oldest boy is now Christian, the webmaster. :)

1 John 3 16-18
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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