Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a week!!

An accident, a graduation, interaction with three different churches, a couple parties and a great day downtown. Yep…what a week! What a God we serve. I am blessed far beyond anything I deserve. I have no idea how or why. I just know that I have been blessed with a family that provided much support over the last year and a half or so while I pursued the completion of my Bachelor's degree. I mention this because they were so vital in my being able to complete this milestone. By the grace of God…

This week was a blur. I was in a car accident on Tuesday. Coming home from work, a fellow in the lane next to me on I-480 decided he liked my lane better than his and made a hard left into my lane. Things like that happen pretty fast. We've all been there. It was pretty surreal. One minute I'm cruising home planning my workout, just kind of unwinding in my mind, the next minute I'm playing Mario Andretti on the temporary concrete barrier set up on the east side of the interstate. I was literally up on the wall for what seemed like a couple of seconds. Amazing how something like that can happen so fast… Tom is a homeless fellow we know. Met Tom quite a while back now it seems. Severe alcoholic to my untrained eye. Doesn't take much to see the severity of Tom's problem. To some, maybe Tom just needs to get a grip on his problems. To Tom, well it seems much deeper than that. You see, Tom lost his wife and kids in an auto accident. I'm guessing it happened pretty fast. I don't know if Tom had a drinking problem before the accident. He does for sure now. And he got another little gift from the accident to boot. A glass eye. Offered to take it out for me once. I declined. Seems it "fell" out at the mission recently. Someone took it. That's right. Someone took his eye. Is this the type of thing a guy like Tom has to deal with? He's in the process of getting a new one, but my goodness. When I saw Tom today, and as I reflected on my accident, I am thankful and so grateful that I drove away from my situation. Tom wasn't so lucky. And now he pays daily.

I mentioned I graduated yesterday. It was a pretty emotional day and I was somewhat surprised by it. I spent a year and a few months in an accelerated program with a great group of people. Several of whom have been down to help on Sundays and one who comes down every single week. She is a blessing to us in so many ways. I sat next to her during our ceremony yesterday and we had a chance to talk about the new connections we make constantly on that corner. Her daughter, a high school senior, is a regular also. They are invested. Committed. It just amazes me that they started coming down to help and even more so that they continue to come. I say this because it seems so many people come and go. It is so refreshing to see people like this jump in and be so committed. God is working here and I can't wait to see where He takes us. What connections will be made? One of the most amazing things I'm beginning to see on a fairly consistent basis is the ability of people to come, commit, and invest in what is happening on that corner. It is an experience to be sure. And now because I met a great lady in a class at a local university, we are connected for the long haul. I graduated yesterday from the classroom. But and the things I learned over that 15 month period spent in the classroom are so small compared to the important work and real life stuff that happens every Sunday on that corner. The work done in the name of God.

Paradise was back this week. Paradise Baptist Church. They came and they conquered. They have committed to provide a meal once a month to the ladies and gentlemen that converge on that downtown corner each week. Today they once again did it up right. What a blessing to have them there. For obvious reasons. But one thing it allows for us is a break from cooking for Robin. And all the folks that so diligently provide on a weekly basis. John's been cooking lately and was somewhat disappointed that he didn't get to cook today! Now that's commitment! :) And Trinity Lutheran Church helped out and continues to help out with so many provisions. Loads of blankets this week. A garage full of new coats, hoodies, gloves, hats, etc. in the past. What a blessing. I remember scrambling last winter, spending whole Saturdays going from thrift store to thrift store trying to find coat and things. This year? We literally place boxes of coats on the sidewalk and let people take what they need. I am convinced that if we are obedient to His call and do the work up front, and He sees that we are indeed all in, He will provide in such a way that it will absolutely blow our minds. He does. And it does. Amazing. We went to church twice today. Since we had no food to prepare this morning, we attended church at Corem Deo. We left there and went to church again. Every single time I leave that corner, I feel as though I've been to Church. It is good. So many opportunities to share with people about our faith. I spoke to an older fellow today, very briefly. William was his name. He lives in an apartment right around the corner. Not homeless, but mot exactly living the high life either. Asked him how he was doing. Said he was doing great because he was living for his Lord. Good answer William. Older fellow. Very genuine. I'll seek him out more for sure. I love talking with guys like that, because it seems to be a good way to draw others into a conversation.

I was talking with another fellow as I was loading the trailer. I've mentioned Eric before. He lost his wife five and a half years ago. He receives a monthly disability check. I'm guessing it isn't much. He told me of abusive parents, of how his parents actually told him to go out "get hit by a car so he wouldn't be a burden on them". Huh? And how he was beaten up in school. And then when he lost his wife, apparently something went wrong with his ability to manage his life. If I were to describe Eric, he just seems like a kid trapped in an adult's body. I wish I would have known Eric before his wife's death. What was he like then? He has a daughter in California. Soon to be a grandfather. Was on his way there when his car broke down in Council Bluffs, IA. He found the Open Door Mission. Been here in Omaha for over five years now. Has the best smile. I love Eric. I love talking with him. He always waits around and we almost always get a chance to talk. He comes down every week and we always chat before he leaves. Today we were talking about God vs. science. He asked me what I thought about it? Another fellow, Wayne, was standing there, so I threw it over to him. His response? Well, God created science, so….and we had a great conversation around that. They know we're coming every week and they know why. They know Who sends us. They know Who we "work" for. Some may never believe, in fact I know some will never believe, but that won't stop us from going in His name.

At our Bible study on Tuesday, we read from Isaiah. We were reading from chapter 53 and the following struck me….

He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Now obviously we are talking about Jesus here. But as I read the words and as I read them again this morning, I couldn't help but think of a homeless individual. What an opportunity we have in front of us! To share the love of our Christ with those who are marginalized and mistreated. Misfits. The suffering. Because they may be looking for hope and they may be longing for change, and the only way they'll ever find either is through Christ! I can't offer much, besides the connections we've made that allow a guy to get a good pair of boots or a good meal or a great cup of Scooter's coffee. But I can share the Love. And I will. Every single Sunday at noon…

Peace and have a great and blessed week!

…"it matters to that one"… :)

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