Sunday, January 20, 2008

It’s just soup…

Man was it cold today!! Not sure on the temps, but IT WAS COLD!! Nice thing about it for me is that I get to move around quite a bit down there and I’ve learned how to dress. All about layers and nice boots. Got to have a good pair of boots and a pair of good wool socks. But man it was cold. And then I see that our friends in Charlotte are having a dose of real winter weather. Guess it doesn’t matter where you live for this weekend? And I wonder how some of our friends downtown manage to stay outdoors in this kind of weather. I do not know how they do it.

I was talking to Tom today. Tom had been staying in a tent down by the river. Has a goose and everything. Yes, a real live goose. Tom finally gave in and headed to a shelter. Been on the streets since 2001. Why? Just quit. Was drinking pretty heavily at the time and just gave up. I asked him if he drinks now, because unlike a lot of our friends, I‘ve never seen him the least bit intoxicated. His answer? Not anymore. Might have a drink from time to time. But no more living for it. So why does he choose to live in a tent by the river? You ever been down by the river? It’s always colder there. Why does a guy choose to be there in this climate? Don’t know the answer. Now he has finally chosen to go in. But when the weather breaks, and I’d guess that means temps in the 20s or 30s, he’ll be back out. Great guy. Strange choices. But he does indeed have a goose. He was leaving today on his bike to go back to feed the goose. Need to find out if the goose has a name. One other thing Tom said made me laugh a little. He said he wasn’t sure if we’d be there. I said c’mon man!! We’ve not missed a Sunday in 14 months. Why then would we choose to do so today??!! So it was COLD and SNOWING!! He said he knew. The others had set him straight. Told him diehard Dave would be there. I just laughed. I’ve been called lots of things. That’s a new one. If there’s one thing God blessed me with, it’s a desire to see a task to completion. Now I don’t always make it. But this one is far too important. We’ll be there each and every Sunday, God willing. Diehard!

Something really cool is beginning to happen on that corner. I mean lots of cool things are happening. But I believe that as word gets out that the opportunity is there and all a person or persons has to do is show up, more people are taking advantage of what God is offering there. Take this for instance. I mentioned in an earlier blog about a fellow by the name of Robert. If I got the story correctly, Robert was in the Old Market one night. For those not familiar with Omaha, the Old Market is a place just south and east of downtown Omaha. Kind of an old, historical district with shops and restaurants. Real popular place. So Robert is there one night with some kids from his youth group. Who does he meet? My friend Bill. And what does Bill do? He invites Robert to our Sunday activities. So here’s a homeless fellow inviting Robert to visit us. How cool is that?! And Robert has been praying for God to place a burden on his heart. Something to do for the Lord. And He delivers. And now Robert comes every week. And has started a small fellowship/Bible discussion at the library. And Steven, a fellow who lives at the Sienna Francis House shelter is in. And seems to be hungry. And John, another fellow who has been helping us on a weekly basis is going to take part also. John is cooking, helping out with all sorts of things and just generally following what Christ calls us all to do. Help the least of those. So here are 3 different guys from 3 different walks of life joining together in a public library to discuss the Word of God because they met on a street corner in downtown Omaha. So is it just soup?

Here’s another one. Eric. Now, I met Eric a few months ago. My first thought of Eric when I initially met him was he seems to have some kind of something that’s just not quite clicking. He has his own place. He is a very happy fellow. What’s Eric’s story? Eric’s wife died 5 years ago in Wisconsin. I think he told me how she died, but I honestly can’t remember. He’s 42 and has a daughter who lives, I believe, in California. He was on his way to visit his daughter 5 years ago and his car broke down in Omaha, on I-80. He took up residence at the Open Door Mission and started coming down to our corner on Sundays. Eventually, he managed to get his own place. But why stay? Is that how a lot of these guys end up here? I try to put myself in a guy like Eric’s shoes and I’d like to think I’d find a way out. But I don’t think it’s that easy. So he’s been here for 5 years. Homeless at first. Barely above that now. I don’t know. But he always waits around after everyone leaves and I always try to get to him to chat for a few minutes. Seems to be all he wants. I mean he always eats. But he never asks for anything. Just waits on the outer edges to chat. Today we talked about people in the Bible living for hundreds of years. Can’t remember how we got on that specific topic, but we talked. And that is what it’s all about. Getting to know the Erics a little better each week. And letting God lead the conversations. And listening. Really listening. And that is difficult for me at times, because Sundays are full of activity and I sometimes feel as though my head is on a swivel because of all the activity that is going on at any given time on that corner. And all the friends I want to get to. Just not enough time to get to everyone. But Eric always waits. It’s not just soup…

Got a call this week from the youth pastor at Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church. Looking for a service project for the kids in his group. So they came down today to just kind of see what it is we do. Could they come and help in some way and make it meaningful to the kids, while also serving in the greater mission? Sure. The opportunity exists for anyone to come and do what it is He calls them to do. See, for me the bigger picture is becoming clearer all the time. All we had to do was open the non-existent doors. The wall-less, open air expanse that God has blessed us with is simply one big fat opportunity for anyone who feels the need. Or the desire to help. The hunger to do exactly as we are directed. In His name. For His glory. Because that’s what it’s all about. And the folks from Kountze are going to help. And the folks from Paradise Baptist are coming back next week and they’re bringing a big batch of food. Doing all the cooking. And the folks from Trinity Lutheran Church in Papillion have blessed us and our friends with way too many things to mention. That’s one of the coolest things about this ministry for me. People from all walks of life, all denominations, all ages, all coming together in the name of God to take care of our friends as best we can. It’s not just soup.

You see, before we left to go downtown today, we prayed. We do every week. Robin, myself and another couple who’ve been in since practically day 1. As we prayed, and Paul prayed that God would lead us with the right actions and words, he mentioned that it’s just soup. This time of year, we’re pretty limited on what we bring for meals. Logistically, it almost has to be some kind of soup. And even that is difficult to keep warm in sub zero temps. But what Paul meant and spoke to in our prayer was that sure, it started with and continues weekly with a big pot of soup. Or many big pots of soup. And it’s a good home cooked meal, or guys wouldn’t leave the warm confines of the day shelter to come the mile or so to have a cup of soup in this kind of weather. But it’s more that that. And Paul spoke to that very eloquently in his prayer. It’s about sharing the love of Christ with our friends every single week. Like a diehard. Never giving up. Never missing an opportunity. All through a cup of soup, a bit of bread, some really good Scooter’s coffee, maybe a cup of hot chocolate and a whole lot of His love. And that’s the single most important aspect.

I have to say I wouldn’t trade this for anything. Maybe a week here and there in our old church in Charlotte. That community that we long for. But for now, we get to do this. Who knows where it goes from here? I don’t and that’s ok. No need. The best thing I can do is to stay out of the way and let Him work. Because He is. And when He does, the most amazing things happen.

It’s just soup?!!!! Well it is, but it’s not. :)

Peace and have a great and blessed week!

…”it matters to that one”… :)

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