Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The ATM…and other ramblings…

It's funny. As we get further along in our weekly adventures down on our corner, it seems each week brings new enlightenments. I've learned of the office, which is the small concrete area in the center of the Gene Leahy mall where we meet with our friends on Sundays. Consequently, the office has begun to spring back to life lately. More on that another day. Anyway, I've simply started to learn more about this "thing" that is homelessness. For some it really is a temporary setback. For others, it's just a way of life.

Take, for instance, Joe T. Joe, has recently gotten himself a new apartment. I did some negotiating, on God's behalf with the supervisor at one of the local Goodwill stores to see if we couldn't get Joe a bed. Joe calls about once or twice a week to see if we have gotten him any "stuff" yet. Not sure how Joe got into his situation. There might be a learning disability or something. Not sure. And that's not the point. The point is Joe deserves a chance just like the rest of us. And I'm not really sure if Joe truly realizes that we are not an "official" organization. Maybe he thinks we have a warehouse of stuff just waiting for the next guy to come along in need. Trust me, that couldn't be further from the truth. And with my incessant and probably obsessive need to keep my garage from becoming such a place, it's all I can do to keep it clean enough to park our cars in the cold winter months. I hate scraping ice in the mornings. That's what Omaha will get you from December to March. A nice healthy dose of ice or snow just before work in the mornings. So while I'm worried about ice and snow on my stinkin' windshield, my friend Scott is sleeping under a bridge in downtown Omaha. Priorities man! More on Scott later…

Ok. Back on track. Joe needs a bed. So I make a deal with the devil…er Goodwill to get the bed. The manager actually gives me a great deal, so hopefully tonight, Joe will not be sleeping on the floor of his new 12 x 12 apartment and he'll actually be sleeping on a bed. He wanted a TV also. I check several TVs at Goodwill and the picture quality is just bad. I find out from Joe yesterday that he already found one. Just needs a bed. I ask him if he needs a dresser. He really doesn't have lots of stuff to put in a dresser and is hesitant to take one, but we'll see.

Now Kevin, he is one of the first guys we met. Actually met Kevin in the "office" our first Sunday. Kevin got into an altercation shortly thereafter and ended up in the hospital. Stabbed in the back. Life on the streets can be tough I guess…

Because of his medical situation, Kevin was able to get an apartment also. We don't see as much of Kevin these days and I guess that's ok. While we'd like to see him every Sunday, if we don't, we pray it's because life is dealing them a bit of a better hand. Kevin has needed a full size mattress for a fold out bed for a couple of months now. I think today he gets it. I have the day off from work today. Presidents Day. Someone has donated a full size bed to us, complete with all the bedding. Kevin gets a new mattress today and I think I'll swing by Smily's place also. I noticed the last time I was there, Smily had a mattress and box springs on the floor. Maybe he can use the frame and other stuff.

I spent Friday evening with Courtney. Picked him up after work. We went to the Family Fun Center. He said he liked to play pool on occasion. I think he hustled me just to get me there. Once inside, it was all about DDR (or Dance Dance Revolution for those of you without kids). Trust me…if I never do that again it will be too soon. Robin will tell you…I can't dance. We did play pool for quite awhile. Gave us a great time to chat. That is what it's all about. Relationships. And I have to tell you, it gets me wayyyyy out of my comfort zone. Deeper relationships are tough for this feeble mind of mine. Especially with the self-diagnosed attention deficit disorder that runs like a raceway through my noggin. But it was good. We talked about family, Jesus, and all sorts of other things right there over the pool table at FFC. I hope Courtney had as good a time as I did. Thanks Courtney.

So the ATM? Forgive the ramblings. The ATM was introduced to me yesterday. As we were winding things up on "our corner", I was chatting with Scott. Another fellow, John R. was leaving and asked Scott if he was coming to "work". Scott said he had his ATM ready. ATM?? He whips out a cardboard trifold. Says this is the ATM. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana. It's what Scott calls his sign. When you see these folks standing on a corner holding a sign, they are 'signing". Just a little trivia in a sea of ramblings…

So Scott is going to "work". Hopefully Scott doesn't mind me telling he's been on the street for 4 years. Used to lead a construction siding crew. Needs work. Doesn't have an ID. Tough to get a job without an ID. But he needs work. Tough to get work without transportation. Tough to get transportation without a license. No ID. No job. No job, idle time. Idle time...the downward spiral continues….top of the morning to you Scott…

These aren't faceless folks. They all have a story. They all have circumstances that got them where they are. If we could all do a little to help them rise above their circumstances, it would probably mean a lot. Sometimes, it's as simple as a coat or something to eat. Sometimes, it's a little more complicated. Maybe an IRS form for Bob, so he can get some much needed medical care. Did I mention Bob? Bob is the man! More on Bob another day. Maybe it's a bed or a dresser or a TV or a table. Or simply a talk. Over a friendly game of pool.

I still have no idea what it is we are doing here. Fortunately, I don't have to know. I kind of have some vision, blessed by God. But, I never want to think I have a handle on what it is we are doing. I make mistakes on a daily basis. Usually more frequently than that. For those who are helping in this mission, I offer this. I apologize for all the mistakes I've made and in advance for the ones I know I'll make. I'm really trying to do the best I can. When we came "home" and God blessed us with this ministry, I had no idea what that meant. Still don't. Trial and error rules the day. If I have offended any of you in any way, and I know I have, I am sorry. Truly sorry. I just don't want small stuff to get in the way of the bigger mission. I know my faults and must deal with them daily. I humbly ask for the forgiveness of our Savior and for yours as well. To Robin, Brian, Tracy, Mike, Enza, Paul, Jan, Gerdo, and all others who are there every single week. Please bear with me. I know there are better ways of doing things. I know I don't always have the answers, even when I come across that way. I could go on and on, and be really specific, but I simply ask for your grace. And thank you so much for your efforts. God has put us together as a team for a reason. I love this team. Thanks for listening and being obedient.

I love being a part of what is happening and I simply cannot wait to see what He has in store for us.

Shall I go on? No. And if you made it this far, God bless you. You are the one that has earned a little mercy.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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