Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grace on The Brick...

We serve on a downtown corner. Most people know that I guess. Our current serving spot, which is the southwest corner of the Gene Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha, is covered in old brick. The actual area where we set up shop on those last Sundays of the month is covered in what I imagine is brick that was probably recycled from an old Omaha street. I can't confirm that, although I did try. Doesn't matter. It adds to the nostalgia in my feeble mind. ;) It's on that very spot though that some pretty amazing conversations happen. I drive, walk and run by this spot often, as I work downtown. Lots of times I'm a witness to various shenanigans and other crazy activities. It's a spot where young people hang out during the week. Some homeless, some near homeless, others just hanging out. Not much good happens there though, I'd imagine. The devil's playground maybe? But on those Sundays that we show up, I'd like to think a transformation of sorts takes place. Not because of us. But because God has a plan each and every time. If we show up, He shows up. And on Memorial Day 2011, He showed up. As He's so apt to do. One other thing about this corner - there was once a group who also came and served meals on this spot. They called it Life on the Brick. I'm really not sure of the circumstances or the reasons they stopped serving here. I only know that through different circumstances, we eventually became intertwined with this group. I'm going to screw up these details, but just know that the group was from an organization called Mosaic Community Development. They served meals in this very park long before we arrived on the scene. Then I believe they moved their operation to a building a bit south of the downtown area. Started serving a meal on Monday nights. Some Saturday breakfasts. Still called it Life on the Brick. Now it's called Common Table. I can't remember exactly how we actually got hooked up with this group, but it had to be 4 or so years ago. We started attending a Tuesday night Bible study at their facility. Soon after, we started attending their Monday night meal. At some point, they asked Robin and I to spearhead the meal. We've been doing that for a little while now. I mention all that because a lot of the same great people that we've been hanging out with on Sundays for almost 5 years now also attend this Monday meal. It's just amazing to me how God weaves these opportunities together and makes it all work. Another opportunity to share. Greatness. On the brick.

Some of the folks we meet with on Sunday and Monday are different, unique and very special to us, but really not so unlike any of us. For all sorts of reasons. It's not unlike anything I've ever done. Work. Church. Wherever. We just run into unique individuals and they impact us in many different ways. One young lady starting showing up quite some time back. I'd guess a couple years ago, but the way time gets away from me these days, I really can't remember. My first memory of her revolves around lotion. She'd always show up on Sundays and she was always asking for lotion. We always had plenty so it was never a problem for her to get what she needed. But it never stopped her from asking about it. Almost obsessively. And I have to admit, we joked about it at times but not in a mean way at all. At first I didn't know her name. People come and go on that corner and we may see someone once or twice and never again. Or they may show up and become a regular, so to speak. She's become a regular. And now she's a regular at our Monday night gathering also. After some time, I came to know her name. If I were guessing, I'd imagine she's in her early 20s. I think she lives on her own, but I'm just not sure. On Sunday, we happened to be serving soft shell tacos. As happens sometimes, and because we are a mobile entity, we forget things on occasion. This time, we forgot lettuce and some of the sour cream. When this young lady found out we forgot the lettuce, she was a bit upset. Told us in so many words that she'd not be joining us for lunch on this day if we didn't have lettuce. Said she could not eat tacos without lettuce. She even made a point of leaving and coming back later to reiterate her point. Really? Can't eat a taco without lettuce? I'm not sure why I'm even writing about this, except that I thought it was a little strange that she'd make a bit of a scene over what to me was a fairly minor thing. I mean I know that tacos need lettuce. But I don' know that I'd turn down lunch for that reason. Just one of the many unique personalities we encounter there weekly.

I was talking to a another fellow and he pointed out something to me that I probably should have noticed on my own. We've been doing this as a family for almost 5 years now. A lot of these folks have watched our kids grow up right before their eyes. When we started, Christian was 12, Nick was 9 and Erin was 6. And of course, Robin and I were MUCH younger than we are now. Well, the kids have obviously grown quite a bit in 5 years. Christian, at 17 now, has grown into quite the young man. Nick, soon to be 14, has done the same. And Erin, of course will always be my baby girl. But that simple fact hasn't stopped her from becoming quite the young lady. So as I was talking to this fellow, he pointed out that Christian was developing quite the ear for listening. I stopped what I was doing and looked over to where he was standing. And sure enough, Christian was engaged in what appeared to be a pretty good conversation with another fellow we've known since day 1. I really don't know what the conversation was about, but what struck me was my kids probably get this thing even more than their parents. Or at least this parent. Here was my oldest son engaged in a conversation with a fellow who's called the shelter his home for years now. The point? Well to me the point has always been the relational aspect. That thing within us that says lets go, lets listen and lets love. Right where we are. No matter the circumstances, no matter anything. If someone needs an ear, let's give 'em one. And let's show a little of God's love in the process. And I don't mean to just point out Christian here. Nick is probably one of the more social kids I know. It's just how he rolls. Always has been. I guess these years of home schooling haven't "de-socialized" him as much as some would have us believe. And Erin never met a Turbo she didn't like. :) I just am blown away by what I hope my kids are learning in these environments. That no matter what situation someone may be in at any given time, there's still plenty of love to share and I pray that they never lose sight of that. And I thank this gentleman for pointing that out.

There's another individual that we've known for some time that I believe showed up one of the first weeks we were there. A little boisterous. Maybe a little loud. Whatever. The one thing I've learned from this individual over the years is that grace comes in all shapes and sizes. At first, I was a little put off be this person. And honestly at times I still am. One of those people that if they don't show up, you kind of breathe a little sigh of relief. Kind of know that things might be a little easier. But what I've learned from this person is that I'm pretty loud and boisterous also. Obnoxious even. To God. I wonder what He thinks at times when I pepper Him with my prayers. When I stumble and fall and lay flat on my face, bloody and broken and whatever else. And when I do it time and again. Over and over. Loudly. Obnoxiously. You know what I think? I think He picks me up, dusts me off, pats me on my big ol' noggin and sends me on my way. With Grace. And that's what I need to practice a whole lot more of on a weekly...daily...hourly basis. This particular individual has definitely taught me that Grace is something I need to constantly be thinking about. Sometimes I have to be firm, but the two aren't mutually exclusive. They can coexist. For that, I'm thankful.

Finally, there's one last fellow that we've known for quite some time. He's not homeless. I'm not exactly sure what his life situation is. I mean we've talked about all that stuff, but with some of these guys, I just can't figure it out. And sometimes I just can't remember. This guy has some kind of photographic memory, which is fitting based on what we talked about Sunday. He's a guy who always waits around until the end. I have to admit that it's sometimes a challenging conversation for me. He sort of demands my time. And it's usually as we are packing up to leave. And there are times when I frankly don't have the energy or whatever to carve out specific, uninterrupted time for him. Pretty selfish on my part. So I usually try to mix the packing/loading process with our conversations. Again, pretty selfish of me. But on Sunday, he asked if he could talk to me and if we could ensure that no one else would interrupt. I promised him we could do that. You see, he'd recently been on a European trip. And he had pictures to show me. Lots of pictures. Actually, hundreds of pictures. He wanted to show me each and every one. So this time I made sure everything was packed and loaded and we began the process of looking at his pictures. The way this fellow's mind works is actually fascinating. He had pictures and a map. He traced his route on the map for me. And it was extensive. He showed me pictures of buildings in probably 10 different countries in Europe. At least. And he knew the name of every building, street, etc. Now this wasn't like a trip I take to a specific city. Where I can't even remember the name of the hotel we stay in. This guy remembered it all. Down to the detail. At one point, he was showing me a picture of a building in some city and even pointed out a bird in the picture. I made sure Christian joined me for this adventure, because I didn't think it was fair that I be the only one. :) But seriously, it made me pause and remember why we do what we do. It's not just to go through the motions, although I do that at times. The reason we go is to be involved. To listen, that very important skill that my kids seem to be mastering. To not only listen, but to hear. And to love. It all goes hand in hand.

It all speaks to Grace. On the Brick. And I'm so amazingly lucky to be a small part of it all. I thank God that in spite of the fact that I fall on my face often, He allows me to go back. Time and again. Very thankful.

She said, "Oh sir, such grace, such kindness—I don't deserve it. You've touched my heart, treated me like one of your own. And I don't even belong here!" ~Ruth 2:13 The Message (MSG)


Looking at it one way, you could say, "Anything goes. Because of God's immense generosity and grace, we don't have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster." But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well. ~1 Corinthians 10:23 The Message (MSG)

Make a difference…it matters.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Dave- good stuff. You never know what that one touch of kindness can bring out in another. Really enjoy seeing the things you guys are doin. You even inspired me to get involved :) Take care Mike