Sunday, July 19, 2009


What an unbelievable run of weather we’ve been blessed with lately. Highs in the 70s and low 80s. Overnight lows in the low 50s. And were smack in the middle of July. Usually it’s in the high 90s this time of year. Just crazy. And one thing this kind of weather does for us is it makes things a little more tame, a little more sane, a little more tolerable overall on our downtown street corner. People are just in a better mood overall when they are not being beat down by the unconscionable and sweltering heat that can be so prevalent this time of year here in the Midwest. Today was a perfect example of that. A true Chamber of Commerce day in downtown Omaha. And people were just in general good moods overall. It was indeed a good day to be on God’s time.
One fellow told me he was going to call a friend of his a get me a bullhorn. Seems the guys waiting in line all the way down in the Old Market can’t quite hear when we are praying. Now he was being facetious, because the Old Market is a few blocks away, but he wasn’t far off the mark. I simply cannot believe how long this line stretches anymore. But God blessed us with two serving lines recently, so that’s helped in the actual serving. Doesn’t help when a guy can’t hear when we are praying, but it does help us when we are trying to get everyone through the line in as quickly as possible.
Speaking of the long line, I was working my way through the line and a lady stopped me. Needed to talk to me. Usually that means a person needs something. I have to be real honest. There are so many people anymore that when someone says they need to speak to me, it makes me cringe a little. Not knowing what the need might actually be. Bus ticket? Shoes? Rent help? Clothing? So when she said she needed to talk to me, I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive. And then when I got to her spot in line, she was ready to talk. And she didn’t need anything. Nothing. She said the following to me – "Dave, remember when we prayed for us to get a place of our own? Well we got a place of our own!" And this was a couple I hadn’t seen in a long time. And she remembered our prayer. And then it came back to me. We’d prayed together a long time ago. When we were meeting at our old corner. A block away. Under the trees. And I vaguely remember the time we prayed together. And like I said, I hadn’t seen them in a while, so it was taxing on my memory to think back. But I remembered. And she was so happy to be in her own place. Who wouldn’t be? I’m pretty sure she was praying on her own also. But she seemed to think that because we prayed together that one day so long ago, that it made a difference. It’s so humbling when people mention these things to me. It is so awesome to know that we serve a God who hears our prayers in such a way. So amazing. I believe that is one of His promises to us. That if we seek Him in His Son’s Name, that he will indeed hear our prayer.
I saw another fellow in the line and he asked me to keep his wife in my prayers. I try to have a morning list of things and people that I pray for. But it gets tough sometimes remembering all the names and things people have asked us to pray about. My memory just ain’t that good these days. So I usually just say, as I did to this fellow, let’s do it now. His wife is bedridden with cancer. He knew me. Said he thought about me this morning. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen him before? But I must have? And as we prayed, it dawned on me as to how I always struggle with these ones. To know what God’s will is in these situations. Is it healing? Or what. Big struggle for me to know. And he broke in during our prayer and simply asked God to look out for her. Yep. That’s it. Just look out for her God. So we prayed, and parted ways. I didn’t see him before he left, but I pray that God does indeed watch over her. I know He will. Again, a promise.
One final thing. There’s a fellow I’ve known for almost 3 years now from our downtown activities. I really think, if it wasn’t for the fact that we live such vastly different lives, at least on the surface, that we could be really good friends. I mean we are good friends, but we live in such different worlds. Again, at least on the surface. But deep inside, we are so much alike. Struggling with worldly issues. Forces beyond the grasp of either of us. And I love this guy. Sincerely. And today, I asked him for something. A promise. And unbeknownst to me, he’d just made a promise to Robin. My request? Simple. Just show up next week. Promise me you’ll be here next week. Sober. And he has always been a guy to say he couldn’t make promises. His life just does not lend to reliability and promises. Just not how he rolls. We have a weekly standing appointment. In pencil. He literally never makes it. But it’s still on my calendar. So to ask for a promise, well that’s a tough one. And to add to the level of complexion the task of staying sober? Well we shall see what exactly happens next Sunday. Because the promise that Robin asked him to keep pretty much requires that he be there and be sober. But it wasn’t so much the promise that she asked him to make and keep as much as it was the information that the promise was based upon. She shared something with him that will impact our lives in a huge way. And she wanted him to know. Because he keeps talking about leaving town. He’s talked about leaving before. But I think this time he means it. And we want to make sure that we see him once more before he leaves. I pray the he’s there next Sunday. I pray that he keeps his promises. Definitely to Robin. And definitely to me.
God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, therefore you can look forward to sharing in God's glory. It's that simple. That is the substance of our Message. ~ Colossians 1:27 The Message
Peace, have a great and blessed week and make a difference.
…it matters to that one… :)

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