Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking Back and Looking Ahead…

As I think back on this day, it was a pretty average day for us downtown. Whatever an average day downtown looks like. The folks from St. James were back with chili and sandwiches. Lots of food. Lots of everything. Smaller crowd today. The forecast was for wind chills in the 15 below range so I’d guess that is reason enough for people to seek shelter. Our foreign exchange student, Britta, braved the weather and went down with us. She just came over from Germany, arriving this past Friday. She’ll hopefully be staying with us until June. As I understand it, the social system in place in her home country is such that homelessness is not nearly as big of an issue as it is here. I can only imagine what she thought as she saw the line of folks waiting for a meal. I think she was a bit frightened, but I do believe it was an eye opening experience for her. It had to be. It is for me most every week.

So this was our first gathering of 2009. As I think back on 2008 and think of the things we saw, the things we experienced first hand, I am in awe that God has placed us in this situation. I mean, why us? Why a family from the suburbs? Why, when we have no formal training in this "industry", would he place what I see as such a huge responsibility in our laps? Why? I remember back in November of 2006 when we first felt that we were supposed to be doing this thing. Even though it all seems to be a blur now, these past couple of years, I remember thinking back then that we must be crazy. How in the world could we possibly make any kind of difference? All we had was a card table, a pot of soup and a case of water. I remember running through the park inviting people to have lunch with us. I remember asking if anyone was hungry? Well, duh, Jack Obvious. Of course people were hungry. But it was far more than that. And it remains for more than that. I think these folks, many of whom have become ingrained in our lives, were looking for something or someone real. Now I’m not saying that is or was us, but I really think that is what people are seeking. Someone who says they’ll do something and actually follows through. All in the name of God. In His service. Someone who’ll actually bring the good, brand name hot chocolate mix instead of the store label brand because it costs a little less. Someone who will bring a meal that they’d serve at their own dinner table. Someone who really cares. The one thing I try to remember and I fail at this so often, is what would I do if, as I made my way through the line greeting people, I saw Christ Himself? What would I do? Now I know that sounds pretty crazy. Or does it? Of course it does to the non-believer. But how does that sound to the Christ follower? I know I’m rambling here, as I’m apt to do, but these are just thoughts that are running through my head. As I think back over the past couple of years, I wonder if we were ever graced by His presence. I mean, I absolutely know that His presence is evident on that corner weekly. But what if, just in some crazy way, He actually showed up for a couple of seconds? Or for a meal? Or a warm coat? What would He think? Because He is very, very clear that whatever we do to or for the least of those that we also do unto Him. So just some rambling, mostly incoherent thoughts as I look back… :)

Looking forward? Who knows what that will look like? I had a fellow stop me today and thank me for being who we are. He said that Robin and I were the first Christians that were also real people to him. Now I know that he probably just hadn’t met many Christians. Or had he? Don’t know. I just know what he told me. And the growth that this guy has experienced over the past year alone has been pretty amazing. And if I went into his spiritual background, well suffice it to say that he has a bit of formal training. But I think he really just wanted to thank us for being there. And that’s what it boils down to. Being there. Every single Sunday. No matter what bodily stuff is freezing. No matter what. I think it means more to me than them. If fact, I know it does. And God continues to supply. In so many ways. I mean, I pray every day that He will continue to supply us with all the tools we need. No matter what resource I can think of, He has it covered. It’s almost like I can’t wait to see what He’s got in store for us next. People know that we do this thing now. I simply cannot believe how much stuff we have in our garage. It’s to the point that we are going to have to rent a storage space for seasonal stuff or whatever. And donations? Oh my. Has He ever blown the roof open on that?! I opened an envelope the other day and was just blown away by God’s unbelievable faithfulness. As I am most every time.

So as I look ahead, I can’t help but think He has big things in store for this piece of work, this ongoing journey, this unfolding story. Can’t help but think He has amazing things ahead. But I can’t go there just yet. I just can’t get ahead of myself. If I did that, I’d miss out on conversations like the one I had today. Where a guy thanked me for being a follower of Christ and keeping it real. Me. A guy who just a few years ago was literally runnin’ with the devil. A fraud. Oh man, could I tell some stories. Sometimes one of our friends will launch into a story or a tale and I have to stop them. As if they are talking to a guy who’s never been there. Now I’m not big on confrontation or challenging people sometimes, but I’m pretty convinced now that God pulled me from that junk and now I can definitely use my experiences to maybe better understand some of our friend’s troubles. Maybe. So I can’t look ahead without looking back, in so many ways. I can’t dwell there, but I can never forget. I can never forget how blessed I’ve been in so many ways. And how I must give back in so many ways. All in the name of Christ.

Maybe rather than look back or look ahead, I’ll just live in the now and enjoy the immense blessings I’ve been granted. But I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2009. :)

Peace, have a great and blessed week and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

1 comment:

Mendy Henderson said...

I am so excited about what God is doing there and how He is blessing you guys! Love and miss you!