Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mickaela's Report

Occasionally I get the great opportunity to actually see or hear the perspective of another individual as to what they see when they experience this thing that happens for us each week. This thing that becomes a Sunday event for us and that is an absolute blessing to my family and many others. It’s easy to take it for granted, this weekly ordeal that we are blessed to be a small part of. I spend a few hours each Sunday morning in the garage getting stuff ready. Robin spends a few hours preparing her part of the meal, while others do the same in their own kitchen to prepare a meal for 200 or so of our friends. The kids all help out in various ways. We show up on a downtown street corner and spend a few hours doing what He leads us to do. It all works. And after doing this thing for almost two years now, you sort of get in a groove. Needs change as the seasons change. But one thing that will never change for me is the Reason. To serve and to offer the opportunity for others to do the same. That is and always has been one of the primary reasons we do this thing. We get the most amazing opportunity each and every week to show up and serve an amazing God and some pretty amazing people. One of the cool things that happens on occasion is the opportunity to hear from someone else. What does a person see and feel as they experience a Sunday at 14th and Douglas?

Recently a young lady and her family began serving with us each Sunday. She initially joined us as a requirement for service hours related to her upcoming confirmation. One of the requirements was a report on her service. One thing I’d like to state - she mentions that it was "by chance" that she came across Starfish Ministry. I’d like to think it was not "by chance" at all. :) This young lady was kind enough to allow me to use her report this week in my blog. Enough words from me. This is Mickaela's Report…


I had been thinking about switching my community service hours to another organization. The one I started my hours at was really not that great. I didn’t feel like I was helping that much. Sure, I did the stocking and sorting they asked me to; but the people who worked there were not very friendly. It was by chance I came across Starfish Ministry. I read a post on a home school information board by a group that fed the homeless people in downtown Omaha and they needed some help. It has always made me sad that some people are homeless. I thought it would be a more hands-on way of helping so I decided to give it a try. And, I’m so glad I did!

Starfish Ministry’s mission is to "work to provide a hand-up for people in the Omaha area. By meeting some basic physical needs, building relationships, and imitating the love of Christ, we seek to provide hope in otherwise hopeless situations." The ministry basically runs out of founders, Dave and Robin Laney’s, Papillion home. They can be contacted at the website: The best way to get involved with Starfish Ministry would be to contact the Laney’s to see what is most needed that week. Perhaps you could donate food or help serve the meal downtown. If you only wanted to donate there is a list of items to donate on their website. Any help big or little is appreciated and goes directly to the homeless who need it most.

The Laney’s are fabulous people. Over the last month while I worked my Confirmation service hours it has been so interesting to watch them interact and help their Sunday Friends. They clearly are examples of people who live their faith. Their trust in God, no matter what their Sunday Friends throw at them is unyielding.

Two years ago, after moving to Omaha from Charlotte, North Carolina, The Laney’s were searching for a church or a faith community to belong to. They felt the call to do God’s work but not the right place to do it yet. They remembered back to their days in Charlotte where they were part of a group who fed the homeless in downtown Charlotte. They wondered if something like they did there would work here. So two years ago one cold November day the Laney’s took a pot of soup, a small table, and their warm hearts to the corner of 14th & Douglas to share a meal with those who needed one.

Inspired by God’s Will, the Laney’s truly believed this idea would work here. They could reach out to the homeless regardless of the person’s problems and provide them a home cooked meal, a caring ear to simply listen to them, and to share God’s grace and love in their life.

There were some struggles in the beginning. Keeping a meal warm- outside- in Nebraska’s cold winters is very challenging. Another struggle they faced in the beginning was getting the homeless, or "Sunday Friends," (as they call them) to trust them. It took time to get to know their new friends and their stories. The Laney’s knew this was so much bigger then themselves and God would provide for their needs to help these people.

Over the last two years of serving their Sunday Friends every weekend, the Laney’s had some good and bad memories to share. The saddest memories they deal with is death. The death of any of their Sunday Friends deeply affects them. I know they realize God has a plan for everyone and that even in death His Will will be done. But being human, one can’t help but second guess or wonder "What if…"

Mr. Laney shared with me one of his best memories. As he was preparing for the day and driving downtown, he kept praying to God that he needed a miracle today; he needed something really good to happen- he needed a miracle. When they arrived downtown the day went like they usually do. As they were packing up to go home, one of their Sunday Friends came up to him. This particular friend had just graduated from an alcohol rehabilitation program. He was hollering at Mr. Laney that he had to show him something. He came over and showed Mr. Laney a coin he received when he graduated from rehab. On the coin it said, "I’m a miracle!"

Serving the homeless with Starfish Ministry was a great experience for my confirmation service hours. This experience required me to get out of my "comfort zone" and learn to appreciate a group of people in our community who really just need a hand-up. I enjoyed serving the meals and drinks to all of them. They definitely are colorful characters. They are thankful for a warm, home cooked meal and a friendly face. I know they have all arrived on the corner of 14th & Douglas for different reasons. Whatever their choices are that have brought them there today is not really important. It’s the fact that they simply are there.

It was a little uncomfortable at first. I could not really relate to their situation. I have a home; I have food to eat whenever I want to; I have a family- but, I could listen to them. And often, that is all they need. I can serve them a good home-cooked meal. And, that always brightens their mood! I can learn to care for them. Because that, is what Jesus calls us to do.


Thanks Mickaela. And I thank God for you and your family because without Him and families like yours, none of this is possible. It does indeed make a difference.

Matthew 25:37-40 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

Go out and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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