Monday, June 16, 2008

Ramblings from Dave and Robin’s Closet

The past few weeks for us have been rather eventful, at least from my perspective. Just a little over a month ago, my father left us. The following few weeks were full of busyness, and it seems as though we haven’t been downtown to see and serve our friends much lately. In fact, for me, I went from being there every week for what seemed like forever, especially through the winter, to missing 3 of the last 6 weeks. We had it all covered from a logistical standpoint, but it sure seems like I’ve been missing out the last few weeks. Three weeks ago we were on a bit of a vacation. Got to spend some great time with our friends and church family in Charlotte after spending a few days in Alabama seeing a niece graduate from high school and spending time with my sister. Then this past weekend, we spent time in Iowa with family. We were there to celebrate the 50th anniversary of my uncle’s ordination and to also celebrate the lives of two uncles who passed away recently. But we were also there to simply celebrate our family. It is always a great time for me to be able to be with our family, wherever they may be. Charlotte, Alabama, Omaha, Iowa. Wherever. Time has a way of getting by us quickly. I saw that this weekend. I saw aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters who are aging maybe a little more quickly than I’d like to admit. I had the opportunity to play a few songs with my cousin Mike, a fantastic percussionist, at a memorial mass for 2 of my uncles. It was simply a very nice weekend.

Last year on our way home from this very same weekend reunion, we were able to visit a dear friend of ours in Des Moines. He’s a fellow we know from our downtown activities. He lived in Omaha and he now lives in Des Moines and I’m afraid he’s battling the flooding there like so many others in the state of Iowa. It was amazing to me to drive through the state over the past couple of days and see the damage that water is doing to the livelihood of so many. There are lakes and ponds where they didn’t exist before. I haven’t heard from our friend in a few days. I pray that he is safe and that the waters haven’t taken all his belongings. We weren’t able to visit this time. Hopefully we’ll hear from him soon and find that he is indeed ok.

So with us having exhausted our time off for the summer, I guess its time to refocus our energies and efforts. For me anyway. Robin always seems to have good focus. I was reading a devotional this week and it mentioned those set apart for God’s work and the principle of two. It posed the following question. Whose name is mentioned with yours? So I look back and for the last 17 or 18 years, that would be Robin. Dave and Robin. Robin and Dave. So I’m very blessed to be mentioned with my wife. She is my rock. For the past few weeks, she’s really helped me keep everything together. Actually for the past 17 or 18 years. And now the summer is upon us. I had a fellow call me last week. Keith. He wanted to know if we’d hang on to his coat until next winter. Are we really already planning for next winter? He said it was a really nice coat, we got it for him and he had no place to store it for the winter. No closets for that sort of thing at the shelter. So he brought it last week, we took it home, washed it and bagged it up for him for next winter. Along with a few hats, a scarf and gloves. Doesn’t seem possible that we would even be thinking about something like that, but here we are. So Robin washed it and I bagged it up last night. We’ll hang on to it for him. We’ll be Keith’s closet for the next few months. If you saw my garage, you’d think we are the closet for a lot of our friends.

I had the opportunity yesterday to visit with a cousin of mine whom I hadn’t seen in years. She needed a ride to Omaha and I had an empty seat. We talked about her activities with female inmates in Dallas and our activities here in Omaha. I mentioned the needs we are faced with each week. The needs for basic, daily things that lots of us take for granted. Clothing, food, hygiene items. And the fact that I’m constantly trying to not get caught up in the “stuff”. And the fact that, in her words, this is basic, utilitarian stuff. Stuff we all need to simply get through the day. Stuff we all have in out closets, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Things our friends need and don’t have. So yeah, we’ll be Keith’s closet for a few months. Dave and Robin’s closet. That’s what we’ll call it. Or how about God’s Closet. Because it’s all from Him anyway. Without Him, none of it is possible.

So we didn’t get downtown to serve yesterday. Another group of friends took care of it for us. But beginning next week, we are back at it…full force. Taking the closet with us every week. Whatever God provides. I’m sure it’ll be an interesting summer. Every Sunday seems to be. No doubt. Time to get busy again. Thank God…

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

Go out and make a difference.

…it matters to that one… :)

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