Sunday, November 25, 2007

Giving Thanks!

Now this was a strange day indeed. Once again, I simply don’t know where to begin. I’ve had a little time off this past week. Thanksgiving and all. So when we went downtown today, it seemed as though we hadn’t been down in a few weeks. I was just out of sorts. It was a great day. They all are. Haven’t had a bad one yet, if I recall correctly. But today was just a bit odd. We had an arrest…ran out of cups for soup…had more people showing up to help than I’ve ever seen before…just an odd day. Now if these are the worst problems we have to deal with, I’ll take ‘em. I mean, the fellow that got arrested might think differently, but from what I gather, he’s not a first timer, if ya know what I mean. Running out of cups? Hey we got creative. Used some Glad Ziploc baggies and other containers. Whatever works. And the people? Good grief! There were more people showing up to help than I can ever remember. I am absolutely amazed at how many people show up each week AND come back.

I think it’s easy, especially at this time of year and during the holidays, to want to help out in some way. In a civic or community sort of way. Or in a Godly way. I just think it’s easier to get in the spirit of this time of year and want to do something meaningful. What is so cool to me, on a personal level, is the way God moves and uses people within our circle to make an impact in people’s lives. Not the least of which is there own lives. We’ve been blessed in so many ways to have people who are so willing to give of their time and efforts. There is a family, who shall remain nameless because that’s the way they’d have it, who have been an extreme blessing to us and our friends downtown, This couple and their kids come down every week and are fully in. They’ve done things so far beyond the call that I am simply in awe. Let’s just say that they are a big reason that we are able to take all the things down every week and they have made this ministry so much more viable. It is so amazing to me when folks like this hear the call to His service and jump in. This couple and their two daughters are simply a blessing from God for us. Now I say that because it seems as though they are constantly seeking ways to lessen the burden on Robin and myself. As if this thing is a burden?! Ha! Sure, it’s a lot of physical work…cooking…managing oodles of clothing donations…cooking….loading the trailer on Sunday morning…and did I mention cooking? But it really is something that I can’t imagine us not doing at this point. And when people like this jump in and humbly serve, it is almost overwhelming. Robin met these folks through a home school group a few months ago and I can’t imagine them not being here now. They are a fixture and it is amazing to see God work through them. Amazing. Lots to be thankful for. And for this family? I am extremely grateful and very thankful.

Like I said, we had an arrest today on our corner. I figured it would happen sooner or later. Lots of these guys have warrants and such, so it’s not that surprising. As I was working my way through the line of folks waiting to eat, I came across Charlotte. On the sidewalk about 10 feet away was Jerry. Now Charlotte is a little out there. I love her, but she isn’t quite all together. And that’s a side note here. Omaha just really doesn’t have the facilities to care for people who may be in need of mental care facilities. A long term care facility was closed sometime in the past few years and I assume these folks are now living in various shelters. It just breaks my heart to see some of these folks when I know they aren’t getting the care they need. So Charlotte was off on a rant. She’s probably in her mid to late 40s? African American. Very slight in build. And very vocal at times. Jerry is probably late 30s or so. Average height. Alcohol problem for sure. Don’t see him that often, but he’s been around off and on for the past year. So she said he was harassing her. He said not. A little while later, apparently, Charlotte walked across the street and asked our local police officer for a little help. Unbeknownst to me. So I was trying to defuse the situation and the next thing I know, I get a tap on the shoulder letting me know that Omaha’s finest was on the scene and he’d handle it from here. It wasn’t a big scene or anything. Just quietly led him away a little bit later and took him to the station. Just a little more weirdness added to the afternoon. I have to add here that Charlotte is affectionately known to some of us who go down regularly as the “bird dookey lady”. There’s a story behind the name. And the reason it stuck is the reason a lot of our friends have various nicknames. It’s a lot easier to remember some of the names if we can associate something to them. In Charlotte’s case, it was an outburst this past summer. She was upset that we were serving our meals under the trees in the park. Seems she was worried about all the bird “dookey” that might fall from the trees into the food. Said she’d call the local TV station to alert them to the fact that we were serving food in an unsanitary situation. Get us shut down. She was on a rant. So now? She’s the bird dookey lady.

One other thing that has been happening lately is the flood of coats and coats and more coats that are completely overtaking our garage right now. We have had two local high schools run coat drives for us and have gotten coats from so many places I have no idea what we will do with all of them. Well, I have an idea, I just never thought we’d see so many. Last year at this time, I was spending hours searching through Goodwill stores and thrift stores for coats and winter gear. Now? I’ve installed a hanging system in my garage to accommodate all this stuff. I gave a coat to a fellow today and he was so thankful. Said now he had a coat that would keep him through the winter. All because someone’s generosity (and over abundance) led them to us. We are simply the conduit. The pass through. But because someone or a whole bunch of someones gave generously, our friends will stay maybe a little warmer over the next few months. If I were to make a guess, I’d bet that we have probably been blessed to get, give or have in our possession 150 or 200 coats. I’ll never forget our friend Andrew showing up last winter in below zero weather with no coat on. Never forget it. Why was he in that situation? No idea. But he needed it. God provided it. Pretty simple. Because we are so blessed to be in cahoots with great people who want to help and see the need to help those who are in less fortunate situations. It’s not about the coats. But I’d be willing to bet that every time one of our friends remembers the blessing they got from someone on that corner and where it ultimately comes from, well I’d venture a guess that they know where it all comes from. And it certainly isn’t from us. As my friend Bill always says, we are simply the runners.

And apparently a local church has collection bins set up for this ministry. Someone dropped off a few bags of things today for our fiends. From Glad Tidings. I never imagined what this would look like after a year. How could we know? But now? It’s just moving along and God has His hand all over it. I found a place that gives away free bibles. Just have to pay shipping. Seven bucks a case. So now we have people committed to several cases. We set up tables to give them away. Along with Pocket Testaments. Also free and free shipping! How cool is that?! Very! God has us covered. Just have to be there. Make the effort. Even on weird days like today. Seemed like we were no sooner finished setting up, praying and beginning the whole affair, and I looked around and everyone was gone. And it was just me and Nick and one of his buddies tossing a football on the sidewalk…waiting for Robin to finish a conversation with Ugu. Ya know, the more some things change, the more they stay the same. Back when we were in church on Sunday, lots of times I’d get to the point where I would literally pull the car around the front of the church and wait on her. Yep , I was one of those guys. Today? The van was already there. And we were once again waiting on her. And it was a good thing. A God thing, I love Him with all my heart and I just cannot imagine where we’d be as a family if we weren’t involved in this great work of His. Can’t imagine…

Anyway, I could ramble on and on. I won’t. Just have lots to be thankful for today. Lots. And this time of year it’s especially important to remember, for me at least, just how blessed I am. Gotta give back. Have to. God has smiled on me in ways I simply don’t deserve. A great family, a beautiful home, a terrific job and a wonderful relationship with His Son. I am indeed a blessed man.

Matthew 25:34 "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37 "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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