Sunday, September 23, 2007

Challenges...Part Deux

What an interesting week. More challenging than I would have hoped for, but aren't they all? :) Anyway, we had an interesting week. Mostly quiet downtown today. The usual suspects. Lots of great people. A great family dinner in the park. Lots of full bellies. Hopefully, some full hearts. It is beginning to dawn on me what an awesome responsibility we have in front of us. We go down and bring lots of provisions. And the stuff is important. If you think it isn't just ask a guy who doesn't have a coat…busted shoes…no socks. Even on a chilly Nebraska September morning. Me? I try to hold off on wearing a coat until I absolutely have to. But I have a nice warm house to retreat to. My new friend Gary came back this week for a coat. With his large intestine covered up and put away. Didn't want to see that again this week. Saw more of Gary than I wanted to see last week. If you know what I mean. You should have seen the look on his face when I gave him a coat. The bear hug said it all. You see, we "get" to go down and hang out with these guys on a weekly basis. We get to bring cool stuff to them. Never been about the stuff. Never. But I suppose when you are homeless and have no stuff, stuff matters. You know what it feels like to put on a brand new pair of crisp white cotton socks? Lots of these guys don't. We try to bring about 50 pairs of new socks every week. They go fast. I have a guy that is homeless, but he takes care of the sock distribution for me. And they go quick. And foot powder. These fellows are always asking for foot powder. Another guy, David, who has been coming dawn the past few weeks and helping us out asked me about the foot powder today. David is probably in his mid 50s. Said he's never used foot powder in his life. Why all the requests for foot powder. I guess if you’re on your feet most days, a nice can of foot powder helps keep your feet dry? I don't know. I just know it's one of the hot commodities we have when we do have it. Anybody work for a foot powder company? A sock company? These are simply a couple of things that our friends need. Stuff. And next? Coats and boots. Union Pacific is letting us do a coat drive this week. All week long, they will have large wooden collection boxes in a couple of strategic locations in the headquarters building. There are thousands of people who work in that building. Think they might have a coat or two hanging in a closet gathering a little dust? I think maybe. So it ain't about the stuff to be sure. But when a fellow is sleeping under a bridge in downtown Omaha, it becomes a little more about the stuff. Challenges...

So my friend Bill comes down today. I mentioned Bill last week. Office Bill. He told me today that we are God’s runners. His vehicles, he said. He wanted a bible but the one we gave him had lettering that was just too small. We arranged to meet Monday afternoon so I could get a bible and some reading glasses to him. Did I have my doubts about Bill making our meeting time and spot? You betcha. But I headed out to our spot and guess who was already there waiting? Yep. My good friend Bill. Monday? Bill got a new bible. And you know what he said to me? Said he could have gotten a bible anywhere. But he wanted to get one from us. Said he trusted us. Now I have to tell you I was blown away by this exchange of words. He was absolutely right. He certainly could have gotten a bible anywhere. But for him to go out of his way and meet me and tell me that little tidbit was pretty good news, especially in light of the challenges of the last week. So he got his bible and was off. I saw him today and was anxious for an update. Bill? What did you think? Tells me he made it through the introduction. The introduction? What, Genesis? What introduction? The seekers bible has an introduction and that was as far as he got. But the nice thing? He had his bible zipped up in his inner coat pocket and was determined that he would not lose it. I don't think he will. John this week. He promised me. We'll see. But he has it. He can read it at his leisure. Said he had plenty of time. Don’t take too long Bill. The cool thing is he asked for one. Without us pushing him. Last November? When we first met Bill? I'm not so sure he would have asked. I saw another Bill sitting on the wall reading one of the pocket testaments we brought down. Next week, I'm going to chat with Bill number 2 and see what he thought. Again...challenges.

I met another fellow today. Young guy. Probably late 20s. Maybe early 30s. Been in treatment twice. 102 days of sobriety just recently. But he fell. Don't we all. His name was Wade. I can relate to Wade. I've walked in his shoes, to an extent. So as we talked, I sensed that he was really hurting. Deep hurt. Got emotional a couple of times. I understood. His most recent fall came at the hands of his ex-wife. Now I'm not saying for one minute that she caused it. She just happened to be a trigger. Anyone who's been through any kind of treatment program knows about triggers. Those things that get you deep inside and cause you to lose focus on your sobriety and fall. His ex-wife just happens to be one of his triggers. Asked him where he was staying. Wherever he can he tells me. Lost a pretty good job recently. Making $12.00 an hour. The cause? Drinking of course. I really felt his pain. It was a tough one. I offered to take him to the Campus for Hope right then and there. But you can't force someone into that deal. Have to want it. I gave him my number and he said he'd call me this week. I truly hope he calls. Really. I just sensed, in talking with him, a little something different. Lots of the guys we meet just "seem" to be ok with their situations. Either that or they just cannot figure out how to get out. But Wade seemed different. I am so praying for a call from Wade this week. Hoping he'll make the call. Hoping he'll be up for a the Campus for Hope. It's a great facility. Robin and I toured it a while back. Great things happen there. I know. Been through it. Wade can too. Just has to want it. Praying for that. Huge challenge.

One last thing. There's a fellow that comes down weekly. His name is Wayne. Wayne brought his son last week. Tyrone. He's a youngster. Early 20s at the most. Came up to me and asked if he could talk to me in private. Said he needs prayer. For his girlfriend. She was trying to get a ride Saturday night. A car picked her up. I think he said there were 3 guys in the car. They raped her. What an ugly, hideous, monstrous thing to do to someone. Can't do it justice with words. What is wrong with some people? Anyway, she was in the hospital and they needed prayer. Sure thing Tyrone. You better believe it and not only from me. If you're reading this, would you pray for her? Please...I challenge you to pray for her...for Bill 1 and 2...for Wade. And for our ministry. We need it. But we did get some good news this week. Hopefully I'll be able to tell you about it next week... :)

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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