Monday, June 18, 2007


This weekend we spent some time in Peosta Iowa. Peosta Iowa!! If you're a little short on your geography, that's Eastern Iowa. It's about a 5 hour drive from Omaha and it's really a pretty drive if you like cornfields, cornfields, silos, lots of barns, and more cornfields. It is the heartland of America, so you have to appreciate the fact that these are some of the hardest working and nicest folks you'll find anywhere. So about 40 of our nearest and dearest family members headed over to Peosta for a family reunion. We'd been doing this thing for years at a monastery in Dubuque, which is just a little farther east. We kind of got away from celebrating our family a few years back, because we kind of outgrew the monastery. You see, my uncle is a Trappist monk at this monastery. The New Melleray Abbey. Father Xavier is his name. One great, great guy! You ever want a place to go and spend a weekend in reflection, meditation, or just good old downtime? This is the place. I have great memories of family reunions spent at this place. I couldn't do it justice if I tried to describe the magnificence of the building itself. It was started in 1849, so it absolutely reeks of history. And the fact that I have so many great memories of the place probably lends to a little more bias on my part. But it is one special place for me. I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point in the last 10 years or so, we just stopped having our family meetings there. Now my memory is just not so good these days, so I have to be honest when I say that I'm just not sure when we stopped. The point is that we got together at a dear uncle's funeral recently and decided that we needed to get these things going again. So this past weekend we did just that. This time, however, we met in Peosta Iowa! Now Peosta is your average small farming community. But there is something special about these little towns. We had a 5 car caravan of family members who flew into Omaha from all over and we left early Friday for the 5 hour drive. We stopped in Des Moines to meet up with my sister and her girls who drove up from Kansas City. We literally pulled into our designated meeting place as she was pulling in. The odds of us leaving Omaha about a half hour late, her leaving Kansas City about a half hour late and getting there exactly the same time have to be astronomical! But that's exactly what happened. So we arrived in Peosta Friday afternoon and checked in to the Americinn hotel. There were only about 40 of us scheduled to be there. Now I come from a big family, so 40 people is a pretty small gathering really. But I was really looking forward to it because I knew with a group that small, there would be opportunities for great one on one conversations and that is exactly what happened.

Weekends like this go pretty fast. Time in general gets by us so fast anymore that I can't believe how fast a weekend like this comes and goes. So I really wanted to absorb as much as I could during this time. Friday night several of us gathered in the dining area of the hotel and pretty much took over the place. The pool was out of service, which did not go over well with the kids. But a hotel like this is ripe for exploring and whatever else, so the kids did just that as lot of the aunts and uncles gathered for the impromptu story telling and reminiscing that happens at functions like this. I was out for a walk Saturday morning and talking with one of my cousins and we talked about how we needed to just put a recorder on the table as these conversations unfolded because these stories need to be carried on. This is family stuff that we need to be able to pass on to future generations. Simple stories, yet amazing stories. As I get a little older and a little sappier, these stories mean more and more to me and I really cherish the fact that I can take part in these types of family gatherings.

So it was a great weekend. Fast, but so good to see family.

One thing we planned to do was visit some other "family" on the way back. You see, we have family in Des Moines now. I've mentioned our friends Bob and Al numerous times. Bob and Al are a couple of the first fellows we met in the "Office" way back in November of last year. The original Office crew! So a few months back, Bob asked us for help to get to Des Moines. Wanted a fresh start. From what I understand, Des Moines has the homeless thing figured out. When it comes to services and whatnot, they get it. So Bob and I have been corresponding ever since he left. Via myspace! How cool is that?! At least once a week, I get a message from my brother Bob in Des Moines. I know Bob won't mind my sharing the fact that we have some pretty good conversations. Just great conversations between friends and brothers. I hope Bob feels that way. I know I do.

So we made the arrangements to hook up with Bob in Des Moines on our way back through town on Sunday. We had people covering for us at our normal downtown Omaha gathering of family, so we had the weekend off so to speak. But we sure wanted to take advantage of the fact that we could easily meet up with Bob and Al in Des Moines. We arranged to meet at the bus station in the downtown area. The plan was to be there between 2:00 and 2:30. Bob later told me he would have waited until 4:00 and then if we didn't show up, he would have written it off to trouble on our end. So we got out of the Eastern Iowa area a little later than anticipated. Normal stuff when our family gets together. The goodbyes always last longer than they should, so I really need to remember to calculate that in to the travel plans next time.

The plan with Bob was to meet at the bus station and then make our way to his camp. You see, Bob and Al have taken a somewhat semi-permanent residence up on the Raccoon River in Des Moines. So we got there a little after 2:30 and the smile on Bob's face was all I needed to see. Another family reunion was about to take place. So after hugs and greetings, Bob jumps in the van and we make our way through downtown Des Moines to his campsite. As luck would have it, Des Moines was having a triathlon Sunday, so the downtown area was a little bit difficult to maneuver through. We managed. The campsite is only a few minutes from downtown by car and we able to park in the post office parking lot and walk the couple or three hundred yards to the camp area. I swear it was like visiting a family member and rightly so because Bob is family. As we made our way over the levee and down into the camp area, I noticed how peaceful it was down here. Something about a river and God's land that just makes it so relaxing and peaceful. No wonder these guys chose this spot. So it's me, Robin, the kids and my nephew along with Bob. We make our way into the campsite and let me tell you, these guys have it figured out. Bob and Al camp about 75 - 100 yards apart. Initially, they shared the same campsite, but you know how it never know someone until you live with 'em. So now, they have a little space between camps and harmony abounds. ;)

The minute we get to Bob's campsite, he showers us with gifts! Very cool walking sticks, wooden cross necklaces, way cool stuff. Then he shows us his tool chest. He has a radio and listens to various Christian radio shows most days. And I imagine him whiling his time away crafting his wares while he listens. A steak knife, a butter knife, a small saw, a hammer and a nail. The tools of the trade for Bob. A steak knife! And these things are so cool. Treasures for me. As we chatted with Bob, and with my kids playing nearby and my nephew sitting on the ground listening, Bob has a verse from 1st John that he quizzes us about. We chat about it for a few minutes, Christian offers his perspective as he's apt to do on occasion, and all the while we are just taking in our brother Bob's living atmosphere. Just wild. I mean, they pretty much have everything they need.

So we head over to Al's campsite and visit with him for a bit. Seems they have a new neighbor also. His name is Aaron. Two A-s he tells us. Young fellow. Must be in his mid twenties. Bob and Al are introducing us as the folks from Omaha that help out folks like them. When Aaron hears this, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dollar bill. Says to put this into our coffers. His contribution to the mission! Amazing. Around this time, the kids are exchanging email addresses with Al and I'm trying to herd the cats up so we can get back on the road. It's what I do. Coincidentally, it's Father's Day. I'm a dad. Time to get this show on the road people! So Bob walks us back out to the van. It's been an unbelievable weekend. Family in Peosta, in Des Moines. And then when we get back to Omaha, we drop my nephew off at my mom's place. My sister is there waiting for us. As we chat a little, my nephew says to Robin, and I'll paraphrase here because I didn't hear him say this. It went something like this..."Aunt Robin, you and Uncle Dave changed those guys' lives didn't you?" Well first of all, let me just say that we did nothing. Nothing. It's all about the glory of God. But from his perspective, as he listened to our conversation at Bob's campsite by the river, and after having time to mull it over, this is what comes from him. Now this is a great kid, my nephew. I love this young man! He's family. But I just thought it was so profound that he would see this thing and that he would offer his perspective. We are so blessed to be in these kinds of situations. Now let me just reiterate that we've really done nothing for Bob and Al. Bob is a deeply spiritual fellow and he challenges me constantly with his knowledge. The guy reads all the time and is one wise individual! Sure, they've mentioned that they could use a few material items now and again and we've been able to help them out with some of those needs. That's the easy stuff. It's the relational stuff that I really like. Family kind of stuff. And after 6 or 7 months of hanging with guys like Bob and Al, guys who now seem as much like family as anything, we are getting that. We are blessed beyond belief to be able to simply be a witness of Christ's unbelievable grace and love. It's all about family. And we are blessed to be able to share the love of Christ with our family. Whomever they may be. We are blessed. Thanks to Bob and Al for graciously welcoming us into their home Sunday. Thanks to my family for getting together and spending time as a family this weekend in Peosta Iowa. Thanks to Robin and my kids for making Sunday an absolutely fantastic Father's Day. Thanks to my nephew who saw a little something and shared it with us. And most importantly, all thanks to God for family!

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it matters to that one"... :)

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