Monday, January 8, 2007

God's Greatness!!

What an amazing ministry we have the blessing and opportunity to be a part of!!! To those who have contributed in any way - you are amazing. To think that a pot of soup could be so powerful! We started this with a vision that God wanted us to stop feeding ourselves, at least in the conventional settings, and start going out to "feed" others. Whatever that means...whatever that looks like...the key is to get out and actually do something! Well, I am honored to be a part of what is happening with our "little" ministry. You can't argue with the fact that we have to be one of the fastest growing churches in Omaha. :) Not that we are about numbers. But it is so cool to see the things that are happening, not only on Sundays, but every single day of the week. We have believers, non-believers, and those in between contributing. We have people coming out of the woodwork who want to assist in some way, shape or form. And it is not by coincidence, but it is because we have all been obedient to the call.

In the past week alone, we have had monetary donations that exceeded $700. Let me say that again - $700!! Saturday morning, we were still short 7 coats. Robin sent out an email stating our problem and Jack shows up with 2 coats. I posted a message on a Nebraska Cornhusker football message board (it's an "illness" I am trying to come to terms with) and we received blessings that will continue to bear fruit. Approximately 15 bags of large and extra large clothing, shoes, coats all from a fellow named Jason who I did not personally know until Saturday morning when he delivered these things to our garage. We have a potential offer on the table to help us form a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation from another fellow named David who I do not personally know. He works for a law firm here in downtown Omaha and is going to try to set us up with some pro bono work. Free is good! I don't want us to get mired in details and administrative work, but this is surely a next step for our fledgling operation. I think it gives us more credibility in the eyes of potential donors, and lets face it, if someone wants to use us a tax write-off, so be it. Bottom line for the week - we were able to meet the needs of every special request except a pair of large insulated coveralls. Keep your eyes open for those.

Just to be clear, we don't want to be consumed with "stuff". Boots, hats, gloves, coats, clothing and other items are great ways for us to help out. The more amazing thing to me is the relationships we have begun to form. When I look at "Billy" and he smiles and says "Dave, this is a blast", it truly warms my heart. I see a guy who is maybe on the cusp of something. I see credibility happening between us and our newest brothers and sisters. Emotionally, I think I am being served far more than any of those we serve. To say to someone who receives a pair of boots or a coat or simply a bowl of soup, "God bless you" and to hear it back, but to hear it back in a sincere tone, is simply immeasurable to me. To show up in a snowstorm on New Year's Eve on our downtown corner and have people waiting for us speaks volumes. It tells me that we are needed. It tells me that we are truly the hands and feet of our Maker. That he is absolutely blessing our mission. That the love of God is being blasted through the downtown community in a way that I could never have imagined. We are so blessed. To think that 10 weeks ago, the very corner we use to build relationships...the corner we use to spread the Word...the corner we use to send God's love to our brothers and sisters...that corner was, I'm guessing, not so occupied at noon on Sundays. Thank God that he blessed up with the vision and the obedience to listen. Personally, I have never been so passionate about anything in my entire life, outside of my beautiful wife and kids.

Which brings me to my next point. I cannot thank God enough for allowing me to serve in this with Robin. Truly exciting times in the Laney household. As a family, we are being blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. The things our kids are saying tell me they get "it". As a father, that's all you can ask for. As a husband, I have been blessed with a wife who would give away our house if I'd let her! Fortunately, there is a semblance of balance between us. :)

I could not put this out without thanking the folks at UCF for blessing us with the wisdom to undertake something like this. I have been in many churches, but have yet to find a community like the one that exists at UCF. For the season that we were at UCF, we were blessed to see this kind of thing in action constantly. It is an amazing community and one which we were saddened to leave. But they will always be apart of what we are doing here in Omaha. God bless the virus that is UCF!

I could go on and on, but to all those who have stepped up, I simply say thank you. Thank you for your obedience, your kindness, your generosity, your loving devotion to our shared goal. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What we are doing matters. And God will continue to bless us in ways that only He can. He is amazing and I love Him with all my heart.

Peace and have a great and blessed week.

..."it mattered to that one"... :)

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