Sunday, March 27, 2011

“It was a great Birthday Party!”

Great day today.  In spite of some weirdness in getting things set up for our monthly venture, greatness definitely followed.  It was so weird though.  As we were getting everything set up, Robin comes to the back of the trailer and tells me we’re missing tables.  How in the world are we missing tables?  And who is this woman masquerading as my beautiful wife?  The tables stay in the trailer all the time.  We might use one on occasion for whatever, but for the most part, those things live in the trailer.  We have enough tables to set up 2 serving lines.  When the number of people being served warrants it and we have enough help to pull it off, we go to 2 lines so people don’t have to wait in those God awful lines for so long.  We decided before we even left our house today that we’d do 2 lines.  I hate making our friends wait for a meal.  Just a pet peeve of mine.  I mean, why should they have to wait if we have it in our power to do otherwise?  These are people that wait for beds in shelters, for food pantries at the food banks, and everything else in between.  Why?  So we decided a long time ago that we’d get enough tables to make sure they didn’t have to wait long when we showed up.  We’ve done it quite a few times now.  It’s not like we’re professionals or anything, but we’re not rookies either.

So when Robin showed up at the back of the trailer, in the middle of the somewhat controlled chaos that is our unload process, telling me we were short of tables, I tried to explain the best I could that we did indeed have everything we needed to pull this off.  And I even went as far as to explain how the tables needed to be set up.  She just walked away with a weird blank look on her face like I was speaking Chinese or something.  We made it happen, and it’s probably a fact that we could indeed use a couple more tables, but I was pretty sure we’d done this a time or two.  Just one of those little weird moments when I had to wonder what alien had taken over my wife’s body and when would she be back?

A young fellow who attends our church told us recently that one thing he requested for his birthday was for his whole family to come down and serve with us.  Now I’m not sure how old this guy is but I’d guess maybe 15?  And I’m not sure if today was actually his birthday, but that doesn’t matter.  The fact is that he wanted to spend his birthday serving.  He came up to me as we were loading the trailer to finish things off and told me “it was a great birthday party”.  Seriously?  You just spent your birthday party with about 100 or so of our homeless and near homeless friends?  And that makes a great birthday party?  You better believe it!  It was an awesome birthday party.  And this young guy gets it.  He understands what it means to serve.  I was blown away by his statement.  I imagine he could have gone out for pizza with his family and friends.  Probably could have done any number of things.  But he chose to spend it with us and our friends.  His dad told me as they were leaving (and his little brother was eating a poppy seed bagel with no hands) that the boys vote was to come back and do it again.  I pray that they do.  If our kids don’t know how to serve, what have we taught them?  The beauty of it is this guy gets it.  Greatness.

Saw lots of old friends today.  Guys we haven’t seen for a long time.  It was like old home week at the Gene Leahy Mall.  A little fishin’ with old friends, so to speak.  David M., Mikey, JB, Mark…guys that we met probably about 5 years ago.  In this very park.  And I have to say that not much has changed for them over that span of time.  A few years older.  Maybe a little greyer around the edges or in some cases, less hair.  Most definitely been on quite a few benders since we last saw them.  And these guys seem to age just a little faster, given their lifestyle.  But most of these guys are still plying the same old tired trade.  So what’s my thought around that?  Well to be honest, I don’t give it a whole lot of thought anymore.  I just simply try to do the best I can do with what we have.  That’s just my thought.  Others definitely think differently.  Why does it have to be like this?  Why are people sleeping on the river with nothing more than blankets in March?  In Nebraska?  Why are there families with kids showing up down there on Sundays?  Why?  Why?  I talked to a friend who came down to help today.  She was obviously pretty deep in thought.  Standing off to the side by herself taking it all in.  I asked what she thought?  Her answer?  It made her really think about how many blessings she has in her own life.  We just take so much for granted.  Usually.  And not all of us, but I’m certainly guilty.  I can usually find something to eat in the fridge when I’m hungry.  Lots of these guys have no fridge, much less any food.  I can take a pretty decent hot shower whenever.  Not most of these guys.  I sleep in a pretty nice, warm, California king bed every night.  I met a couple today and their bed is somewhere along the banks of the Missouri River.  With a couple of blankets as their “California King”.  I’ve said it all before.  It just amazes me that we see this time and again.  In a country as wealthy as the one we live in.  Hard to understand.

But what’s not hard to understand is a great birthday party.  That I get.  And today, God blessed us with all we needed to throw one.  And we did.  And for that I’m forever thankful.  I pray that this young man truly had a great birthday party.  And that he has many more.  Right there on 14th and Farnam St.  We’ll throw another one on Easter Sunday for whomever is celebrating a birthday at that time.  That should shape up to be a great one.  Hopefully, we’ll have enough tables to make it all work and Robin will be un-abducted by the alien forces who felt the need to take her away this morning.  :)  And I pray that when we show up, we will indeed somehow make a difference in some way.  I do believe it matters…

“When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you... will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:12-14

Make a difference…it matters.